Dancing in the Rain

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Background:Set after episode 3. Clem and Louis are still in their early stages of dating.

Louis's POV

A loud BANG from outside startled me. Causing me to make a loud unattractive sound on the piano. Then followed the sound of heavy rain, hitting the window violently.

I pushed away the curtain and saw that the sky was a startling deep grey, making it reasonably dark outside.

I sat back down by the piano, I loved when it rained, it meant that I didn't have to do anything. Then I realized,

Clem is our hunting, alone.

Aw shit, what if she gets hurt? It's really dark out, what if she gets lost? I better go look for her.

I get up from the bench and make my way out of the building, taking a tattered umbrella with me.

I walk around looking for Clem for about five minutes before something launches itself at me, making me fall to the floor.

"What the fuck?!" I yell as I look up.

"I'm supposed to be asking you that!" Clem said as she abruptly shoved me while trying to get up.

"Clem! I found you! I was worried that you'd get lost or hurt,"

"I don't need a knight in shining armor Louis, I was doing just fine! Ughh! Get up!" She said as she held out her hand to help me up.

I gladly accepted to offer and stood up, but didn't let go of her hand.

"Then why were you running?" I ask smugly.

"Cause I don't want to get drenched from the rain, obviously," she tried to take her hand away from mine but I held on tight.

"Dance with me Clem,"

"What? We have to go! We're gonna get sick,"
Clem said.

"Come on Clemster, just for a minute, we never get to spend any time alone. It'll be romantic like the scene from the notebook, and you owe me one, look what you did to my coat," I said while turning around to show her the mud that covered my back.

"But there's no music," She said.

"It doesn't matter come on," I say as I go to place my other hand on her waist.

She glanced down at the floor nervously.

"Louis I don't know how to dance,"

"Neither have I, this is perfect! We'll learn together.

I start to him a random tune and we sway slowly. Time stood still, if only this moment could last forever.

"It's not," she said bluntly.

"What?" I ask as I lean my head back to look at her.

"This isn't like the scene from the notebook, we're not in the middle of a road where a car could hit us," she said.

"I was actually thinking about the scene where they make out in the rain," I say as I wink.

She shoves my arm playfully and rests her head on my chest again.

"I didn't know you were one to watch romantic movies Clemmy,"

"You still don't know a lot about me Lou,"

"Oh my god," I let go of her and pointed at her.

"What," Clem asked with an snoozed look on her face.

"You just called me Lou! That's a nickname!"

"No it's not!"

"My names is Louis, not Lou!"

"It's just a shortcut!"

"That counts as a nickname!"

Clementine huffed and started to walk towards the school.

"So, should we start planning the wedding?" I ask as I catch up to her.

Her face turned bright red and then kicked the back of my knees so that I'd fall. I'll get to marry her one day. At least I know not to propose yet.

Hey, that's another one shot, it's pretty bad but it's okay. Sorry I haven't uploaded in like a week, school has been a pain.

Anywayyssss, I just realized today that the fourth episode is coming out so soon! I'm so excited but I'm also so sad. I want to see it really bad but it also mean the end of Clementine's story. I've been following Clementine's story for as long as I could remember, and the fact that this is the end makes me really sad, oof.

I really hope they do a spin-off but they probably won't since the whole tell tale thing happened. I don't know if I should keep writing after the final episode comes out, I feel like people are going to just get over the final episode really quick since there isn't going to be anything else to look forward to or to wait for in twdg.

But I'm still really excited, hope you guys enjoyed, vote and comment ❤️

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