Chapter 1

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Mike Walter is that picture

Mike's POV
I was going to a bar because my girlfriend broke up with me because she found out I was gay. "Hello there sexy". A man said to me. "You wanna dance with me?".He asked and I was drunk, so I Said yes.We start to dance until he kissed me and I kissed back and he toke me to a room that was in a bar and he pushed me on the bar and undressed me and himself. We were both naked and he put his member in me and he was thrusting rough."You're tight". he said to me moaning."I'm c-cumming". I said. "Lets c-cum T-together". One more thrust and we both came and I fell asleep.


The next I woke up, my head was hurting and I was naked and there was nobody in the room."I wondered what happened last night?".I said, I got up, got dress, went home and toke a shower and went to school."Hey, Mike".I turn around and see my childhood friend mark."Hey, Mark"."What's wrong, you look pale"."I think it's from last night because I was drunk". "Oh, ok". Then the bell rings."Well, see you at lunch". Then he left and I left to my class, during the class, I felt that I needed to vomit so I asked the teacher to go to  the restroom and he let me, once I went to the restroom, I threw up 3 times and I was finish,once I was in the halls, I fainted.

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