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*still the flashback three months ago* I found out that Alfie loves me, and I love him. I can't believe I'm saying this because I'm going out with Caspar Lee! Well, I say that but me and Caspar broke up 3 weeks ago, the viewers didn't even know we were dating! Caspar is Joes roommate and I used to love him to bits (Caspar).
I love Alfie now and it's a different kind of love, it's a flutter in your heart and I have never had that before, I also found out that Marcus liked me as well but I love Alfie!!! Anyway I posting up bloopers of the valentines video in my vlog channel www.youtube.com/morezoella
(Lol , advertising zZoe's vlog channel)

*back to 3 months ahead*
Everyone hates me and I don't know why? I looked at the valentines bloopers and there was no kiss of me and Alfie's there I made sure when I edited and everyone is commenting 'ZALFIE KISS!' 'zalfies real' 'zalfie zalfie asdfghjkl'

*6 hours later*

Alfie burst through the door and says 'zoe, will you be my....................'

Zoe Sugg: The girl who stole my heartWhere stories live. Discover now