Chapter 1: Kayla White

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September 11, 2012. Period 8. U.S. History

"On this day in history......" blah, blah, blah. I've heard it all before, on this day in history 11 years ago Arabian terrorists flew hijacked planes into the Twin Towers and World Trade Center. Not that this isn't am important day in our country's history but, it gets old. Fast. There was 47 minutes left in this class and Social Studies so I didn't care, but my best friend Matt on the other hand was about to loose his mind. He sits right next to me and all I could hear was the clicking of Matt's pen. "Matt would you chill? It's annoying." "Well so is this god-damned class." he replied back agrevated. "Look, it's not my fault you hate it. It's not that bad if you'd just give it a chance I mean it wouldn't kill you." "Ugh, whatever I'll try." "Thank you." I replied back sassily. 5 miutes later, Matt taps me on my shoulder. "What now?" "Yeah, I can't do this." he says trying to act serious but cracks a smile anyways. "Yes, you can we only have 42 minutes left." I responded attempting to keep my voice under a whisper so the teacher didn't notice me. But to no avail, "Miss White, is there something you'd like to share with the rest of the class?" she yelled. "No ma'am." I replied back simply. "Out in the hall." and without another word, I got up and walked out of the room, and into the hall. I was usually a good student but I've had a few "Matt" incidents this week so. I didn't want anyone to see me out in the hall but today just wasn't my day. Mine and Matt's best friend Lindy was walking to her classroom, when she turned and saw me, "Damn." I thought to myself. "Kayla White?" she asked me sarcastically. "In the flesh." "What are you out here for?" "I got in trouble for talking to Matt. I just don't get it, how does he never get caught for anything?" "Again?! Kayla he's no good for you." she told me sounding like my mom. "Lindy," "Yeah." "he's our best friend, idiot, so what I got in trouble. No big deal, it'll probably happen again but I'm not gonna stop being his friend just because he got me in trouble." "True. But whatever. Anyways I'm going to starbucks after school to study and get cofee, wanna come?" "Nope. Can't." "Why not?' "I made plans with Matt." I said. "Y'all are going to that damned hide-out thing again aren't you?" she asked. "Yes we are. You mad, bro." "Ew shut-up you're such a dude." "Ew shut-up you're such a white girl." I responded. "Fine but we're hanging out tomorrow then, okay?" "For sure." "Good 'cause if you'd said no I would've slapped you." "Okay. okay. Now get back to class, biatch." "K, see you tomorrow, betch." and she walked away. Just in time, too. As she disappeared behind the corner, the teacher walked out. "Miss White I don't want this to happen again, you're my best student so I don't want you slipping, okay?" "Yes ma'am." I replied back again. With that we walked back into the classroom.

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