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Yui's POV

I walk into my classroom and sigh in relief realizing that no ones in the room. I've been trying to get a minute to myself for a while now. But my new 'friends' won't give me a moment to myself. I look around one more time before I pull out a phone. It's not a newer model like my old one that my 'friends' broke. It's a flip phone. I'm thankful for this phone. This single phone could be my life line. The only reason I even have this phone is because a student threw it away when they got a new phone. I dug it out of the trash and here we are.

I flinch a little and put a hand up to my neck. There are bite marks, bruises, and cuts littering my body. But the worst is my neck. Every time I raise my arms or shrug my shoulders it irritates the marks and it hurts like a bitch.

Ignoring the pain I flip open the phone trying to remember my aunts number. Yeah no way I'm calling my dad. He put me in this mess in the first place. I always liked my aunt better anyway. She's beautiful, she has long black hair and mesmerizing blue eyes. She was like my mother growing up. She always took me shopping for clothes and bought me only the best food. My cousin (y/n) is like my big brother, even though he's only a year older, I think. I've never really seen him age but that's what he's always told me. I mean he grew up from a young kid and all that but, I've never seen ONE PIMPLE ON HIS PERFECT FACE. How is that possible. Ok ok I'm getting off track.

I type in her number and start typing. I need to hurry up before someone comes in the room for study hall. I hear the door open and automatically flip the phone close but not before hitting send. I turn and see Kanato Sakamaki standing in front of me with his stuffed bear in his arms. Clutching it like if he lets up even a little his bear is gonna disappear.

He looks me up and down and his eyes land on my hand with the phone in it. The purple haired boy smirked and looked from me to his stuffed bear. "Teddy, I think our snack is trying to call for help." Kanato walks closer still clutching his bear with a eyepatch. I swallow and accept that I've been caught and I was in big trouble. I close my eyes and pray for the best.

(Y/n) POV

I lay on my bed bobbing my head to the music that's coming out of my phone. I hear a noise and look at my door, not a second later my mom rushes in sobbing. I pull out my head phones and rush over to her. I help her to my bed her sobbing in my chest. We both sit on my bed while my mother tries to regain her composure.

She looks at me with pleading eyes and hands me her phone, I guess for me to read the text.
Help me. They're hurting me. I'm scared. Save me. Come get me. I don't have much more time. Please come get me. I need help. I pray that you get the message. Good bye.

I stare at the message and look back at my mom. She's clutching my shirt. I brush a hand through my messy (h/c) hair. "P-please go see her. Just to see if she's ok." I sigh. I have stuff to do. I don't have time for Yuis bull shit. This same thing happened when she went to summer camp. Two days later she texts us saying there're hurting her. We get there and we find out they tried to get her to go fishing. She tries to explain that she could get her eye pocked out or worse. We brought her home after that not wanting to hear anymore.

I look at mom with a unsure look. I don't want to go all the way there just to find out that they probably made her go to night school. It probably messes up her 'beauty' sleep schedule. "Please if nothing is wrong you can come home. I just want you to check on her. Please, if not for her than for me." Mom begged. I sigh and hesitantly nod. She looked at me with the biggest most beautiful smile. I love her so much. Her and Yui are my whole world. She gets out of my room to let me pack alone. I'm just hoping nothings wrong so I can come back home soon.

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