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3rd person POV

(Y/n) let Yui lead him to her room. Well he's guessing now it's both their room. When they entered (y/n)s (e/c) eyes landed on the bed. It had blood on it and by the look of it, it's fresh. Maybe right before night school. (Y/n) growled and looked at Yui. She sighed and pulled him over to the bed. She pressed his shoulders down and made him sit down. "You know I'm fine now right?" She asks. "How could you let them do this to you. I know you can fight. I've seen you do it to bullies and even grown men. Little omegas like them shouldn't have been a problem." (Y/n) grumbled. "Ok one, those were people these are vampires. Two I'm their guest it's rude to not follow rules in someone else's home." Yui Said and put a hand on her hip. "You know what, fuck people's rules. If you're getting hurt than you don't just say 'oh I'm in someone else's house let's not be rude' NO you beat the shit out of them!" (Y/n) growled, crossed his arms, and looked away. "Wow what a great roll model." Yui Said and rolled her eyes. "I know." (Y/n) Said and flipped his non existing long hair.

"I can't with you. You're sleeping in the quest room." She said and pointed to the door. (Y/n)s mouth fell open and then turned into a pout. He gathered his luggage and exited the door. "I'm-." He started but she slammed the door in his face. "Rude. I came all the way here just to be kicked out." He murmured and walked to the room next door which should be the quest room.

He opened the door and took in the room. The room looked simple. Just his style. It's a simple white painted room. The room has hardwood floor with a gray fluffy carpet near the front of the bed. In the middle of the room there is a king sized bed with a black comforter. Beside the bed there is a desk with a small lamp and a coaster for a drink. On the right side of the room aligning the wall is a wardrobe. Finally there is a door on the left side of the room that leads to a washroom.

He placed his luggage near the closet and laid down on the king size bed. "Well since I was rudely kicked out. I guess I'll take a shower." (Y/n) said to himself and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

(Y/n) walked out of the bathroom with only sweat pants on. His abs and toned skin showing. He stretched and looked at his bed. Shu's laying on top of it facing the opposite direction. (Y/n) smirks and walks over to the bed and sits down. His smirk grows bigger when he notices Shu grow stiff. "I don't remember you being part of the rooms decoration," (Y/n) chuckles. The blonde vampire turns his head so that you could barely see his bright blue eyes. (Y/n) eyes widen when he sees a light dust of pink grace the omegas cheeks.

Taking a deep breath to try to calm himself down (Y/n) looks at the ceiling. Having the alphas eyes off of him Shu whines for attention. Having lived with an omega mother (Y/n) has learned to restrain from giving in to omegan pleading, but looking at the blonde vampire in front of him all his practice of restraint is starting to wain. Once again getting lost in thought of how to regain self restraint the omega whines.

Many thoughts enter the alphas brain. "Nope nopety nope" (Y/n) announces and gets off the bed. He walks around the bed and picks up the blonde vampire. He places his arms under the others arms and holds him at arms length away. The blonde looks at (Y/n) with a confused gaze. (Y/n) quickly walks toward the door. Opening the door he gently plops the omega there and then turns around swiftly closing the door.

Sliding down the door the alpha takes a deep breath with a loud sigh. Dragging his hands through his hair and down his face. Rubbing his eyes he tries to stop the urge to go get the omega and do unthinkable things to him. Pinching himself he has to remember that he's here for Yui and not for the cute little Omega vampires that have probably tortured her for I don't know how long.

(Y/n) gets himself off the floor and walks over to the bed before flopping down on top of it. Groaning he runs a hand down his face. "Man Yui is so lucky that I love her or I would be at home or I would be having fun with that cute little Omega that was laid out so perfectly on my bed with his gorgeous baby blue eyes," He groan louder and moves so he is now laying on the bed properly. "This is so not fair." Five minutes later he's tucked in and fast asleep.
I bolt you right when I smell the scent of blood; of Yui's blood. I close my eyes and picture Yui's room and when I open my eyes I'm standing in the middle of it. I frown when I see the reddish haired vampire with a fedora on top of her sucking the blood out of her veins on her wrist. Yui lets out a small whimper and looks at me with tears running down her face.

He lets go once he feels my presence and looks back at me. "What do you think you're doing?" I growl and stalk up to the other male. Yui flops down on her bed curling into herself while trying to stifle her sobs. "Alpha-San, I don't see problem," he rakes his piercing green eyes over my being. "I deliberately said that you're no longer welcome in this room," easing back I stand up straight, cross my arms, and raise a brow. I look the small omega up and down and I want to punch myself for thinking about how cute the omega is. With his plush pink lips and pale white skin. Gods, even the air is filled with his macaroon like scent.  "Alpha-San no offense but you also," holding up two fingers and scrunching them up and down when he says "deliberately" before continuing his sentence. "Said that you would be staying in this room. That doesn't seem to be the case. A man is only as good as his words and you don't seem to be a very honest one thus far."

His mouth curls upward in a smile before finishing his sentence with another Alpha-San. I'm almost held speechless. I've never once in my one hundred and sixteen years of life been talked to like that by a omega. "Wow, what was your name? Laito I believe," in two long struts in an inch in front of the other vampire. Using my thumb and pointer finger I grab his chin, making him look at me in the eyes. "You're such a fucking brat," he frown and furrows his eyebrow at me. "What, don't like to hear that you're a liar Alpha-San?" Laito speaks like he holds all the cards. Like he's an untouchable object.

I look back up at Yui and she's looking at me like she's scared for my life. Despite my status as the strongest in the room both a human and omega are looking at me like I'm a piece of gum about to be squished under a boot. "Lesson two Yui," I'm sick of being looked at as weak first thing in the night. "When an omega decides that they want to be a brat, you treat them like one." Both Yuis and Laitos eyes widen and choke out a huh. Before they can say anything else I'm sitting on the edge of the bed with Laito laying across my lap. "W-wait Alpha-San. I'm sorry," Laito stutters out and starts trying to escape my lap. I sigh and pick up one of my legs and cage his legs in my and put a hand on his lower back.

" Yui I'll train them so that they'll never hurt you again."

Uh should I call this part 1 of a two part chapter thingy. Anyways punishment scene next chapter. Also I understand that it's been a hot minute since chapter one so I hope chapter two did it justice. I promise you there is a plot I planned for this story a few years ago still in my notes so we'll get to that around chapter four or five. Let's hope I can get us there. 😅

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2020 ⏰

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