The Original Family

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Frankie Pov

I was in shock..He was fucking gorgeous with his brown hair swept to the side and those brown eyes that scream danger. I can tell he is going to be fun and someone I wouldn't mind spending my time with and he has a nice built 'I wonder what he looks like naked..' I picture it in my head and im not disappointed with my imagination.

I get snapped out of my thoughts as the waitress in my lap starts caressing my shoulder making me smirk and I put all my focus on her sinking my fangs back into her making her moan instantly.

The taste of her blood on my tongue makes me groan in satisfaction she tastes so good I might let her live to be my personal blood bag but like always Stefan ruins my fun by pulling her off me making me growl in annyance.

"Give me Amy back!" I glare coldly at him.

He frowns and she looks almost as annoyed as I do but her face scrunches up in confusion.

"My names Clarisse" She squeaks out.

ai focus my glare on her and bare my fangs at her

"Don't interupt me" I hissed "What is it with me and peoples names lately" I thought out loud.

i hear two people laughing and look up to see its Klaus and the handsome stranger but now another man and young girl about 17-18 years old is in the room now.

"Its time to go" Damon says nervously.

I roll my eyes annoyed putting my coat back on then look to klaus.

"You dont mind if I take her home do you?" I ask sweetly.

He laughs more and gestures for me to take her making me grin happily at him.

"Come on Amy" I compel wrapping an arm around her waist as shes a little dizzy.

"Its Clarisse" she complains.

I growl under my breath and look straight into her eyes with an annoyed face.

"I'll try to remember to put that on your tombstone" i say casually to her.

Damon and Stefan left me there while I was compelling her but before I could leave the blonde original vamp sped infront of me.

"You look familiar whats your name" She demands making me groan.

"Francesca DeLuca but known as Frankie and some friends call me Fran" I bow mockingly while holding a firm grip onto amys arm.

She raises an eyebrow as all her brothers besides the medival looking one snicker she glares slightly before she cracks a smile.

"I've heard alot about you in the last 700 years, I like you" She comments walking around me in circles looking me up and down.

"And I like Amy but your ruining my feeding time" I frowned at her.

Two of the original brothers chuckled at my comment making the girl glare at them both.

"Shut up both of you" She hisses at them.

But they just laugh harder at her.

"Relax Bekah" kol snickers l.

I sigh and turn Amy towards me and look her in the eyes.

"Jump" I command quietly.

She does as shes told and jumps wrapping her legs around my waist as I hold her up with one hand resting on her upper thigh near her ass making her grin seductively at me.

"Since your all busy I'll be on my way" I wave mockingly.

But before i could get out of their im blocked off by Klaus and Kol causing me to groan...Boy this better be good.

"Yes?" I asked annoyed.

"Stay a while love" Klaus insists but its probably more of a demand.

I look at him and Kol to see them both with stupid smirks on their faces that for some reason irritate me....alot.

"Leave her alone brothers" Elijah's voice speaks up from behind me.

"We just want to get to know her" Kol said innocently.

But im not stupid he thinks he can have his way with me, he's gonna pull out all his moves and unfortunetely for me they will probably work, have you seen him he is bloody gorgeous it should be crime to look that sexy and the fact his clothes are still on is abit depressing I'd rather them be on my bedroom flo-SNAP OUT OF IT FRANKIE HE'S A BLOODY ORIGINAL HE COULD KILL YOU IN SECONDS!!!

"I just want to feed" I whine like a 5 year old.

The waitress thats currently in my arms looks down at me with a flirty smile making me gag under my breath confusing them all.

"Your not a lesbian?" Rebekah asked looking really confused.

I turn to her scrunching my face up. Why in bloody hell does she thinks im a lesbian!? Sure the current position im in may make people think I am but doesnt mean I am judgemental bastards..might aswell play with her feelings a little..

"She's not my type but you on the other hand" I wink suggestively at her while licking my lips, her cheeks tink pink making me smirk in triumph.

All the mikaelson brothers stare at me gobsmacked and the medival looking guy scrunches up his nose in disgust.

"Only kidding although if I was a lesbian I would of had you by now" I tell her cockily.

All of them but Kol groaned in unison looking between the two of us.

"Not another Kol" Rebekah complains leaving the room.

The others add a few comments about 'us being the same' making me more confused then I was before.

"Can we go now" Amy whines making my blood boil with her annoying voice.

I drop her to the ground and she yelps loudly making me roll my eyes at her. She stands up with a pouty face and I just couldn't help but snap her neck and watch her body drop to the floor.

"She ruined my appetite....for now" I say boredly looking up at the brothers.

I step over her body and turn back to them with a cheery smile.

"Thank god there's more bloodbags out there..and Klaus clean that up for me will you?" I say cheekily zooming far away from their house and back to the Salvatore Manor and head straight to my room plopping down on my bed with a heavy sigh.


'Dammit how could I forget the bloody duck' I thought to myself with a tired groan.

So whatcha think of this chapter?

What new secrets will be revealed? And when will the twins arrive in town and will they arrive in style? Or by leaving a trail of dead bodies?

The storyline will be a little different but hey different is GOOD!! *insert cheery face*

Leave a comment and tell me what you think! I would love to here some feedback from you all :)

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