Chapter 46

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   When you woke up the next morning you quickly got dressed. As you did you started thinking. ~Johnnys going to get here today. Thank goodness. Now everything is finally okay, and I won't let anything screw it up this time.~

   When you finished you stepped outside into the hallway and some of the others were already awake. You checked to see who it was and it looked like Lucas was bothering Jisung. ~Eh, thats not new.~

   "Hey Jisung! Can yew tawk wike dis?"

   His eyes went wide, "What! No! Why!"

   "Ooh can you also make this face ✿ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ."

   "Ahhh please no!"

   As you were about to interrupt them Ten got there first. "Lucas, you know he's not a child anymore?"

   Lucas frowned, "But... But."

   Suddenly Taeil walked up, "I like butts."

   Ten glared at Taeil, "We've been through this before... no butts."

    You then started laughing, "Guys stop."

   Ten looked over to where you were, "Oh hey Y/n. How are you doing this morning?"

   "Pretty good. Just a little tired though. I stayed up a little later than usual because I was thinking about that guy, Xiao Jun."

   Ten nodded, "Me too... I was wondering... is it just me... or is he kind of weird? You said you healed him when he got here, right Y/n."

   "Yea, I remember he had a head injury because, he said he hit his head when he died."

   "That's the thing. Anyone that dies on earth and comes here do not retain their past injuries. Because they are basically reborn when their bodies come into this world."

   You looked at him confused, "So... what are you saying? That he's not really from earth?"

   "I... don't know. I don't want to make any assumptions, and then turn out to be wrong."

   You nodded, "I understand, if you like we can talk to him some more. I'm sure he's awake by now."

   "That's a good idea."

   When you two made it to his bedroom you knocked, "It's Y/n and Ten, may we come in?"

   "Yes, come on in."

   You two stepped inside and seen Xiao Jun sitting at the table he was last night and the plates from his dinner was still at there too.

  But when you looked over at his bed it looked completely untouched from when you seen it last night. "So... Xiao Jun, how did you sleep?"

   He smiled, "I slept great."

   ~Well... that was a lie.~ When you looked over at Ten, he was looking at the bed confused and you were sure he thought the same thing you just did.

   You then walked over to the bed and sat down. "Well how are you doing this morning. I'm sure you're pretty stressed out, right?"

   He shook his head, "Don't worry, I'm okay. But what about you, are you okay?"

   You looked confused, "Me? Oh I guess so."

   "I was just wondering because you said your fiancé was coming back today with your kids, so I figured you're probably happy and nervous."

   "Oh... yea." ~I... never told him about my kids. All I told him is that I was engaged to Johnny. How the hell does he know about my kids? But maybe... someone else mentioned it. I'll ask Ten about it later."

   "So Y/n, do you know when Johnny will be here?"

   "I... don't know. Sometime today is all I know."

   He nodded, "Okay. So I was wondering. What is there to do around here?"

   Ten thought for a moment, "I suppose we can walk around town and meet up with Johnny there, when he arrives."

   Soon after you and the others headed out of the building. As you walked around you noticed that Xiao Jun still didn't really seem 'amazed' because you remember when you came here, everything was different and new and you couldn't help but stare at everything. Even now there's still somethings you aren't used to but you don't mind it because you're with your friends and loved ones.

   "So Xiao Jun, how old are you?"

   "How old am I? Oh... nineteen."

   ~Something is just off about him. But what the hell is it?~

   You then looked around, "I'm pretty hungry. What about everyone else?"

   Ten and Xiao Jun both nodded so you walked over to the nearest small restaurant.

  (or like a carrito aperitivos I don't know the exact word in english odio el inglés 😔 I have been using english for so long and I can't even say one thing. Ahh)

   You looked at the menu board "Hmm. I want three ."

   When you got the food you all ate as you continued to walk around. ~Hmm. It's about 12 am when will Johnny be here.~

   But just as you thought that you heard a noise and you looked over to see what it was.

   It looked like a group of people on horses. ~Is Johnny here?~

   A few moments later you seen a familiar face catch your eye. ~Dammit Johnny why do you have to be so good looking? Like seriously, it is unfair to everyone. Ahhh!~

   When he seen you he smiled and quickly rode up to you and jumped of the horse. "Y/n! Oh my god. When I heard what happened, I came as soon as I could. So are you okay? Please tell me you're okay."

   You quickly nodded, "Yes, Johnny. I'm just fine. Are you okay though. After what I did I wasn't sure if you were alright."

   "Yes. I'm alright, don't worry about me."

   Your eyes then went wide, "Johnny, something did happen though."

   "What is it?"

   You then looked over at Xiao Jun, "We... have a visitor."

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