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I locked the door behind me, and walked out onto the street, with my rucksack on my shoulders, carrying my art sketchbook.
As i walked down the street i breathed in the cold, depressing 8:15am air.
It was the first day back after the October break, and oh boy was i excited... (exaggeration).
I almost didn't want the break to end. The time i had with Leo was probably the best thing thats ever happened to me.
On the topic of Leo, i wonder if he will be in this morning. I wonder if he will be in my classes. What if a girl tries to hit on him?
I shook my head, and continued walking towards the school.

As i entered the door to my first class, Geography, I felt eyes at the back of the class fall present on me as i walked to my seat next to Jess and Lexy. As i threw my bag down on the table, i turned back to see Alex, Jamie and Ben glaring at me with grins on their faces. As i looked along the table at each of them, i noticed Leo sitting next to them.
My mouth dropped open and then i smiled. He smiled back and then quickly went back into conversation with Ben.
I couldn't believe he was already in one of my subjects. Literally first period and he's sitting right there.
As i sit down in my seat, Lexy turns round to me.

"Oh my god Lucy have you seen the new boy? He's so hot." She says, twirling her hair. I cringe.
I sit in silence, until i see Jess quite quickly fill her in.

"Lexy, Lucy has been dating him since the beginning of the holidays. He's her new neighbour." She says, rolling her eyes and chuckling.

Lexy appears to cringe back, clearly regretting what she just said.
"Shit sorry Lucy. My bad." She says, leaning back in her seat.
I laugh, and turn back to Leo to see him still talking to Ben. I turn back around, and take out my Geography folder, placing it on the table. 

I watch as Mrs Richardson makes her way to the front of the class.
"Alright everybody." She booms, and everybody immediately quiets down.

"As you can see we have been gifted with a new student joining our school. How about you tell us a little bit about yourself Leonardo?"
Suddenly everyone turns round, including me.

"Star basketball player Miss. Has some mad skills out on the court." Ben says, leaning back in his chair confidently and crossing his arms.
I roll my eyes. I watch as Leo chuckles.

"I believe I asked him Ben. You don't have to speak for him." She snaps back, and he immediately straightens himself up in his seat. Leo looks back up at her.

"Ok Leo, go ahead." She says, sighing.

"Well Ive just recently moved here, and i know a lot of the guys here from basketball games. I'm very keen on sports and art i guess." He answers, wiping his hair back.
He likes Art?
"Well thats lovely. Hopefully you are a keen Geographer just like Lucy, aye?"
I turn round straight away, and see her pointing to me. I smile awkwardly.
As much as everyone hated Mrs Richardson, we somehow got along, and she seemed to find me very good at the subject. It isn't that interesting, but i find it fairly easy to understand and I did get an A in my exam.
I turn to Lexy and Jess who are both sniggering.
"Well someones a teachers pet." Jess whispers.
"Shut up." I mumble, as i turn back to face the teacher.

"Anyways, lets get on with the lesson."

No Dream's Too Big- Young Leo Dicaprio Where stories live. Discover now