What are we going to do? What can we do? This thing isn't going to give up until it's inside the room. I looked around the room, I noticed there was a tiny window. I knew what we had to do. I pointed it out to my mum, "we have to escape from there," I whispered. She nodded and we slowly and quietly got out from underneath the bed.
The window was quite high up, but luckily there was a cabinet we could climb. My mum made me go first, I started climbing, my whole body was shaky, but eventually I got to the top, she followed close behind. I reached for the handle, and turned it, all the while that thing was banging on the door, I glanced back and noticed a crack beginning to form, it was only a matter of seconds before it burst in.
I breathed a sigh of relief as I found out the window wasn't locked. I opened it and struggled to fit through, I grabbed the edge and hoisted myself up.My mother desperately tried to get up, I grabbed her hands and pulled her up. Suddenly, the thing got in the room, it looked horrible, like a deformed version of mum, with pitch black eyes and long sharp bloodstained claws and feet. I pulled her harder and she struggled to get up, the thing swiped at her leg and tried pulling her down. "NOO!" I pulled harder, mum screamed in pain. Eventually I got her up, we fell back, exhausted.
The sun was rising, and we could hear birds starting to sing their melodies. The thing had not attempted to follow us up for some reason, luckily for us. My mum's leg looked terrible, it was quite clearly infected and very deep, you could see the bone. I tore a piece of my shirt off and wrapped it around my mum's leg as a make shift bandage. "Thank you honey,"
The police eventually came and they got us down from the roof, asking all sorts of questions. We just told them someone had broken into our house and attempted to murder us. We left out the part about the monster trying to claw us into little pieces because I mean, who would believe us? They'd just think we were both bat shit crazy.
I now live in another continent with my mother, I still don't know why or how that incident happened to us, but I don't plan on finding out. Nothing has happened again yet, and I sincerely hope it stays that way.