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Life in the village was unbearable for the little kids but they bore it because of mum.

A year later
Mr Zach found another house and the family of eleven relocated to Aba.Their happiness was Short lived in 2013 after the death of Marci who was already in Ss2.Mum couldn't bear the lost of her beloved baby boy. Following the death, Mum became hypertensive. Remembering the fact that she still have up to 8 children gave her so much hope and strength. Mum continued to help dad even till the point of hawking fruits and pure water. Producing tissue and Hawking Ed_mark products.

In the year 2015
Mum's condition worsened to the point that she was coughing, and vomiting blood. We thought that she was not gonna make it back to life then,but to God be the glory, she was made whole again.

Regarding Mum's health condition, she was warned by the doctors never to engaged herself in any hard work. For our sake Mum went to village and engaged herself in farming work to ensure that there was enough food.

Mum was alone in her world,no brother to ask her how she was doing, no sister to take care of her. Mum's brothers were living in wealth but everybody is only concerned of his families. Even when mum told them that she was no longer strong, they doubted her,her husband's people made mockery of her but all her joy and happiness was that her children sure will clean her tears.

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