Chapter 6

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"Dammit answer me where the fuck is Luhan?!" I launched myself at Kris and pounded his chest with my fists.

"Ah! Yah! Get off me crazy bitch!" He held up his arms in defense.

Chen quickly pulled me off of him, holding me back as I continued to scream at him.

"You must be Saebom.." He chuckled and shook his head.

"Kris!" Xiumin suddenly yelled, startling everyone, "Answer the damn question.. Wheres Luhan?"

Kris spoke slowly, looking at Xiumin with fear, "Chill, he's waiting for her outside. Told me to tell her he's there." He nodded at me.

We all sighed in relief, while Chen rolled his eyes. "Why didn't you just say that!? You had us all fucking worried!" He yelled.

"I was waiting for you to ask me if I was okay!" Kris frowned at everyone.

I shook my head in disbelief and half ran outside to where Luhans car was parked.

Once I got there, I peeked into the tinted windows only to find the car deserted.

"Looking for someone?"

I jumped and quickly turned around to the voice that spoke.

"Luhan.." I sighed in relief, "What happened?! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did they do something to you?" I threw question after question at him.

"Are- Are you drunk?" He asked me with an eyebrow raised, a bit of humor in his tone.

I shut my mouth and stared at him with wide eyes, "I was.. But don't change the subject tell me what happened dammit!"

Luhan shrugged, "Kris was taken in by Suho, he didn't really do anything to him. I just went in, in a blaze of bullets and saved his ass."

"So why did they take him in the first place?" I asked in confusion.

"Like Chen said. It was a setup. Luckily they didn't expect me to crash into their hideout with my car so.. that was an advantage."

"You did what?!"

Luhan laughed at my surprise, "I do crap like that all the time calm down." He walked towards me and slung his arm around my shoulder.

"Its late, let me drive you home."


"Are you sure you're not drunk?" Luhan chuckled while looking over at me.

I shook my head, "I just had like, one vodka.."

He laughed at my words, "You had one vodka? You reek of alcohol."

"Hey I was worried about you and I needed something to calm me down!" I frowned.

"Aww," Luhan smiled, "You were worried about me?"

I looked out the window, away from him, to hide my blush, "Well what the others were saying.. It sounded like you wouldn't live to see daylight."

The truth was, I had been getting close to him. Regardless of the fact that we've only known each other for a couple days.

He was sweet and Id learned to care for him.. strongly.

"I know what you're thinking.." Luhan smirked at me as we approached my house.

"What?" I asked.

"You're in love with me I know." He said playfully.

I burst into laughter, masking the fact that I was heading in that direction.

He said it sarcastically, clearly he had been joking. But there had also been a hint of something in the way he spoke.

"Do you need me to stay over?" Luhan smirked at me once we reached my driveway.

I looked down at my hands with a sheepish smile, "A little company wouldn't be so bad.."

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