Chapter 15

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"So you're Luhans girl?" Sehun asked me nonchalantly as he unbuttoned his shirt and threw it aside.

I had been taken to the back of a shop, into a small, dark room with nothing but a bed and a tv. Now here I was, tucked away in the corner of the bed, as far away as possible from the shirtless Sehun.

Not looking at him, I gave my best nod. He scoffed and cursed Luhan under his breath. "Did you two ever do anything?" He asked as he took a seat on the bed, hand trailing to my foot.

I kicked him away and furrowed my brows at him, "Thats none of your fucking business. You're not going to lay a hand on me." I spat.

He tilted his head at me and smiled, softening his harsh features, "Don't worry, I'll make you forget all about that low life."

"The only low life here is you. You're fucking taking advantage of a lady, thats about as low as a man gets."

"Really?" Sehun got on all fours and crawled towards me, until his face was only inches from mine, "I do recall hearing a story about a drugged Luhan trying to take advantage of you.. At least Im sober."

The words stung, but I remained unfazed, "Id take his beating to your mere touch any day."

I took my fist and jammed it into his crotch as hard as I could. Sehun let out a groan and fell on top of me. I pushed him off and attempted to make a run for it, tripping when Sehun caught my ankle and pulled me back.

His face was bright red as he took me by the hair and held me up to look at him. "You little cunt." He hissed before punching me.

I shrieked as my face exploded with pain, the impact sending me flying towards the floor.

"Get off of me!" I tasted blood as I fought Sehuns touch. He forced himself on top of me and held my arms over my head, leaving sloppy kisses all over my neck and collarbone.

The wooden door began to shake as someone pounded on it, "Saebom!" I heard Baekhyun yell, "Open this fucking door, Sehun!"

I managed to free my hands from his grip as the door suddenly burst open, and Baekhyun toppled in after it.

Sehun stopped and looked up at him, "What the fuck are you doing, idiot?"

"This wasn't part of the deal! Get off of her!" Baekhyun kicked him off. I wiped the tears and snot from my face and stood up before dashing out the door, adjusting my torn clothing.

"She's getting away!" I heard Sehun scream as I ran down a blank hall and turned the corner.

I shrieked as I ran into someone, my nose planting into their chest. I gasped as I looked up at a familiar face, someone I'd never thought I'd see again. I didn't remember that day clearly, but I was positive it was the man that broke into my house that day.

"Kyungsoo!" Sehun screamed, his voice getting closer, "Grab her." Before he could get the chance, I pushed him aside and continued to run for my life.

My heart dropped when I reached a dead end. I looked around frantically and ran into the first door I saw. I turned around and locked it just in time before the door knob jiggled and the door shook.


I let out a shaky breath and began to feel the wall for a light switch. Once I found it, I clicked it on and jumped.

"Hello.." Kai smirked at me.

The room was similar to the previous one, with only a tv and a bed. Laying down in that bed was Kai, wearing nothing but a pair of boxers.

"If I would've known it was me you wanted all along, I wouldn't have handed you over to Sehun." He chuckled.

I groaned in disgust, "What do you guys fucking want from me? Why am I here?"

Kai shrugged, "You're here for the same reason I first caught you two months ago," As he spoke, his fingers went up to trace a spot on his arm where a pink scar had formed, "For bait."

"Luhans not that stupid."

"You're right. He was able to take his leader back right under our noses, even tear down our old headquarters. But not this time.." He smiled, making me uneasy.

"This time, you all die."

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