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~Reader's POV~
I sat there on the ferris wheel with Jack sat next to me looking over his amazing carnival. I loved to come here with him and I always left after having great fun. We always ate sweets and played games and went on all the rides. One time before he had let me help him make sweets for him to stuff his victims with. They tasted delicious and we ended eating almost all of the ones we had made. Today, he was awfully quiet, as if he was thinking about something. But what? I looked around the carnival and then at Jack.
"Hey, Y/N?" He said. I looked into his dull but gorgeous eyes. My heart soared as he stared back into my E/C ones.
"Yes Jack?" I replied, smiling like an idiot. My face got a little heated as a blush crept onto my cheeks.
"Have you ever eaten candy floss before?" He asked while tilting his head and looking at me.
"No, why?" I ask, a little confused at his sudden question. He grinned and grabbed my arm. Next, he lept from the ferris wheel and we landed on the ground.
"Well, you really should try it!" He said, bouncing up and down while smiling like a little child. I wonder what had him so worked up about candy floss? He grabbed my arm, again, and dragged me over to a stool which had bags of candy floss hanging from the roof. There were yellow, blue, pink, green, orange, purple and red colours within the bags. I guess there must be loads of different colours of candy floss within the world. I smile up at him as he grabs a bag full of F/C candy floss. My eyes light up with joy at what colour it is.
"F/C, my favourite colour," I giggle at him as he hands me the open bag and gesture for me to taste it. I reach inside the bag and pull some of the soft fluffy candy floss out and look at Jack. He smirks back and gestures for me to eat it. I bring it up towards my nose to smell it and find it smells sweet, like sugar. Slowly, I take a bit into it and slowly begin to chew a little before swallowing it and grinning at Jack.
"This stuff is amazing!! I can't believe i've never tried it before!!" He smiled back at me as I began to stuff my face full of candy floss before it was all gone. My hands, cheeks and mouth were all sticky and yucky. I tried to whipe it away from my mouth, only to make my arm sticky. I pouted and huffed, feeling like i was going to be sticky forever. Until suddenly, Jack came real close to my face and smashed his lips onto mine. It was a rough and messy kiss but I liked it anyways. He began to like my lips, clearly getting rid of the stickiness which was on the before I gasped when he bit my bottom lip, allowing him entrance to my mouth. His wet tongue explored and poked around in my mouth before he pulled away and a string of saliva kept us connected.
"You should really eat candy floss more often, Y/N" He smirked.
"I think I should as well," I paused and laughed, "Only because it tastes absolutely delicious!" I laughed at him as he pouted, thinking it was because i'd get more kisses like that. Ha, that was part of the reason, but it honestly was delicious.


so im sorry it's short

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