~~ Who? What? Why? ~~

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L quickly followed Bryce towards the door, but she'd barely crossed the restaurant when a hand pulled her back by the hood of her jacket.

She turned to see Troy gazing at her in alarm.

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you leave. We heard you talking to yourself, and we were worried, so we called your foster parents. They're on their way... I can get you something to eat while we wait for them?"

He spoke as if he was talking to a small child with behavioural problems. Why did everyone have to be so nosy?

L tried to pull her hood out of his grip, but it was too tight. She didn't want to hit him since he looked genuinely worried about her, but he was wasting her time.

"I'm fine, honestly, now let me go. You don't know anything about me, and you're about to get me into a lot of trouble! Just mind your own business!"

L put every ounce of anger and agitation into her voice that she could muste. Itt didn't have any effect on the guy. She turned to Bryce, who was still standing by the door. He shook his head dramatically and walked back to them.

"Norms truly frustrate me. They just can't see past the end of their noses. Alright, I'm about to prove to you that I am definitely one hundred percent real, but you can't freak out, okay?"

L didn't know what he was planning, but she felt trapped with Troy still holding her hood and the Smiths on their way.

She nodded quickly and watched Bryce move around her. He stood between L and Troy as best he could due to the way they were positioned. He stood motionless for a moment and then seemed to be growing taller. That is, until L realised with shock and wonder that he was floating.

She watched him sort of squat in mid-air, level with Troy's face, and he started humming. L didn't know the tune, but a few seconds later, Troy cried out and let go of L's hood. He fell back onto the floor with a thud.

Bryce stopped humming, and Troy looked around in alarm. He'd gone ghostly pale, and his eyes were bugging out of his head.

He turned them on L, "Did you see that?! A... a floating man, right in front of you? He was right there, and then he was gone?"

L's eyes were wide, and she watched Bryce float back down to the ground. He was smirking to himself when he turned to face her.

"Can we get going now? No freaking out or anything?"

L shook her head, and Troy seemed to take that as her answer. He shuffled backwards away from her as fast as he could. She felt a little sorry for him but not enough to stick around and followed Bryce out of the restaurant. Her pity for Troy didn't last long when she felt the pain in her neck from where her hood had dug in.

L rubbed at it gently until she suddenly remembered something, 'you don't feel pain in your dreams'. She was stunned that one fact and the event in the restaurant made this all real. Troy had seen Bryce appear and then disappear, and that definitely hadn't been imaginary.

"It's real...?! Wait, how come he couldn't see you after you stopped humming?"

"Because I purposely appeared and disappeared in front of him, but he didn't believe what he saw. He'll be denying that it happened for a long, long time. However, if he did start to believe that it really happened, he'd start seeing more things like that going on around him, might make his life a bit more interesting. I'm glad you're finally catching onto the reality of the situation, though."

L blew out a long sigh and shrugged, placing her hands in her pockets and hurrying along the street with him. For some reason, it didn't seem as unbelievable anymore. She still couldn't fully grasp everything that was happening, but it wasn't as hard to accept as she would have expected.

Unknown L (Book 1)  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now