Chapter 20: A Heart Full of Love

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Natalie's pov

I was looking out of the window. The cold night air made me shiver, strangely in a good way. My world has been up side down this entire year. Thankfully everyone felt pity for me. A single mother of three small children who's father left me for his slut and bastard child! The divorce tore me apart. I'm devastated. One day you are working in your valley looking up as you see a young man barring roses for you because he loved you, the next day he leaves you for another.

He writes me often asking for the children, pleading for forgiveness. I can't he ruined us and I will never forgive him. He even had the guts to invite me for his play tomorrow night. How can I? Everytime they are out in town pictures are taken of them together smiling at each other. The way he looks at her. He has never looked at me that way.

Three years. That's all it took and then she came back and stole him from me. He even missed the birth of his daughters because of her! I have never been so angry in my life.

What hurts the most is that he is happier with her. Even if it nearly ruined his career. It hurts so much, sometimes I wish he never had a life with me, but then I would never have had my children who are now my first priority. I looked out into the garden, smelling the flowers as the hot summer air made me sweat in agony. I'm scared. I can't see a future here anymore. Perhaps when the children are bigger I'll go back to America and live somewhere far on the country side. Where I can finally live in peace.

I looked at the picture of us together. Our wedding picture. The happiest day of my life but perhaps not for him. I don't think he ever really wanted me in the first place.

He was never mine to keep
He is free
Let it be
A heart full of love
He never felt this way...

Elizabeth's pov

I stood by the lake looking at all these beautiful candles. I love it here. I am a little worried about tomorrow but I'm shore everything will be fine. It somehow feels like everything depends on it. I can't imagine what Gustave feels.

Suddenly he came behind me holding me tight. "Are you alright?" He asked me very calmly. "Yes, you?" I asked hoping I did not sound to concerned.
"Fine, although there is something I want to ask you, I was going to after the show tomorrow but I can't think of a better place or time then here right now."

I am no fool. I know what he is going to ask but my facial expression was convincing. But to my surprise he started singing to me.

A heart full of love
A heart full of song
I am lost
We will never be apart
I promise
My beloved Elizabeth

"Will you marry me?" He asked pulling out a wedding ring. A diamond looking rose. It was all to good to be true. But before I can answer I must say something else.

"Gustave I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. But first I must tell you something."

Okay here it goes. It's all or nothing.

"I'm pregnant again."

I don't know how I wanted him to react but before I knew it he lifted me up into the air and kissed me with so much more love than I ever thought existed in this world.

"Oh my darling that is wonderful! Let us hope for a girl this time perhaps? But now will you give me your answer?"

Oh Gustave you are so cute it's adorable. "Yes full heartedly yes!"

Gustave's pov

After the wonderful news I felt something but I ignored it. It was probably just the most from the lake, I thought as I carried my fiancé back inside our home.

"He really does not waist any time does he?"

"No he does not, but after all he is your son what did you expect?"

Kiera Knightley as Elizabeth Swan
Natalie Portman as Natalie Portman
Michael Arden as Gustave Destler

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