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Dereks' car was far too nice. I twisted uncomfortably in the leather seat occasionally stealing glances at the brooding man.

"You didn't have to come." He points out gripping the steering wheel clearly disturbed by my staring. I turned away toward the window and into the darkness that engulfed us. I try not to show my fears, but a grave yard near midnight is just as horrifying as it is in a nightmare.

"I know. But I feel like I should be here." I respond as I stare at Isaac. He dug into a fresh set of dirt while operating a backhoe, every once and a while he stopped to check his cell phone, and rubbed at his left eye. Derek sighed pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"Derek?" I asked quietly.

"What." He coldly grumbled.

"Do you think he'll hate me when he knows what I am?" I bite my lip waiting for the response. Derek seemed taken back by my question.

"You barely know him." He countered. He had a point, I didn't know him. My gaze drifted back to Isaac , he looked exhausted and miserable. Something about him made my heart clench uncomfortably, like a familiar pull in the wrong direction. In the past day I've known him and studied him, he was just so sad. I let out a breath crossing my arms in the seat and sinking in. Why hasn't anyone noticed it? Derek glanced at Isaac his brow furrowed, I followed his line of sight to a dark shadow zooming past us and toward the backhoe. My body tensed feeling the urge to run away from any threat.

Before I could even budge Derek had left the car, the door remained open as a cool breeze from outside wafted in. The musky smell leaving with him. I ducked low just in case I was spotted, and watched the interaction between Isaac and Derek unfold.

The backhoe tipped over Isaac fell out of the side directly into the freshly dug grave I couldn't help myself I had to see if he was alright, with inhuman speed I followed Derek as the backhoe fell into the hole luckily not hurting Isaac as it hovered over the sides. Derek gave me a side glance of confusion finally noticing me but said nothing. He approached the clearly Omega werewolf digging frantically in a grave. The smell of decaying flesh hit me hard and I took it upon myself to leave Derek to it. He terrified the Omega who attempted to swipe at him a layer of dark blood covered his hands and claws. I back stepped as the Omega made eye contact with me. A growl of defense left his throat. Derek wasn't having any part of this and roared loudly at the other wolf as it whimpered and ran off into the pitch black forest. He smirked in satisfaction motioning for me to follow him to the backhoe to rescue Isaac who still sat in the hole probably losing his mind to all the sounds.

Derek used his wolf strength and lifted the backhoe off the grave setting it back down properly. I couldn't help but lean over the edge to see Isaac absolutely terrified crouched in the corner. I grinned relieved he was alright and waved at the dumb struck boy below. Derek casually strolled to the edge of the excavated dirt and looked downward.

"Need a hand?" He asked a shell shocked Isaac who nodded his head in disbelief at us. Derek reached into the grave bending over onto his hands and knees and stuck his hand out to the curly haired boy, who hesitated before he grabbed on and was lifted out with ease. Isaac brushed at his clothes his mouth hanging open as his eyes shifted between Derek and myself.

"Thank you, w-who are you?" The boy finally plucked up the courage and asked, his gaze occasionally drifting toward me with confusion.

"Derek Hale, this is ..."

"Stella I know we met. What are you guys doing here?" He said it quickly his jaw clenched and unclenched, as his gaze went everywhere. Derek shrugged smiling for the first time that I've seen.

Sound the Alarm / Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now