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I arrived at the highschool and managed to catch sight of Stiles in the parking lot, he was leaning into a white car the faint sound of crying coming from the inside and mumbling words I couldn't make out. A familiar head of strawberry blonde hair bounced up and down with the sniffling.
I was disinterested in the Lydia girl from class and the fact that Stiles heart was beating a mile a minute as he stood beside her. Why is he picking now to make a move when we have something far more important to uncover. An ounce of jealousy crept up my neck and I had the sudden urge to destroy them both. The pressure in my eyes changed signaling the side taking over, I had to mentally scold myself for my lack of control. He was bouncing from foot to foot heart beating quickly. I gritted my teeth together for a second and squeezed my eyes shut.

"Stiles." I spoke calmy my voice carrying to him like a call. Stiles jumped back like his hands were on fire i clenched my jaw and tried to not seem impatient.

"Can you just give me five minutes?" He asked Lydia. "I know I'm sorry just.. just stay here um.. continue crying-- or not crying. If you want, or whatever works for you." He sputtered. I approached the two of them Lydia looked back alerted by my heels makeup smeared across her cheeks, I forced my fingernails into my hand self control is necessary now is not the time for this.

"Sorry to interrupt" I added calmly not bothering to look at the disheveled girl to my right. "Can I speak with you Stiles I need your help with the chemistry assignment." Sighing Stiles looked between us for a second then down at the keys in his hand chewing on his lip for a moment and making a pained decision. He turned back to Lydia.

"Just stay here and I'll be right back okay, then we can talk. About anything. Yeah? Okay just 5 minutes." Lydia didn't reply in return as we took off running, myself keeping a relatively human pace.

"Took you long enough." I grumbled he groaned as he unlocked the principal's office and went straight for the desk.

"When the girl of your dreams is vulnerable and crying you go and try to help her and get her to fall in love with you." I rolled my eyes.

"Is she?" I muttered, flipping through the files in the bookshelf trying to keep my composure.

"Is she what?" Stiles questioned rifling through the files."Ugh it's not here." He frustratingly announced. A waft of familiar perfume filled my nose. I let out a moan of displeasure as Erica materialized beside Stiles. I mentally cursed myself for not noticing her sooner, clearly I was distracted by my adolescent jealousy.

"Hello Stiles, Stella." My nose crinkled at the sound of her voice, she glared in my direction and grabbed Stiles by the ear pulling him back. Stiles yelped out in pain.

"Let go of him mutt" I hissed , she tilted her head.

"Aww Stella, upset I took your little toy away" she condescendingly said lips pouting.
"Derek wants to see you, both of you. Follow me or I'll just pull his ear right off." She threatened yanking harshly at Stiles' ear.

"Ow ow! , Okay let's follow her " he whimpered out I obliged and followed her to the indoor pool. I can't exactly rip him away from her she's stronger than I am and the thought of Stiles only having one ear wasn't exactly something I wanted. We followed her to the schools' pool. Everything was echoing I glanced around analyzing my location having never been in this area before.

"Well big surprise Derek, you're hanging around a high school again. Some people might find that a bit creepy for someone your age." I snapped pulling Stiles out of Ericas grasp while she was making eyes at her alpha. I held onto his arm protectively . Dereks jaw clenched as he continued messing with a basketball in one hand. I wasn't even sure when he picked it up I was distracted picturing Ericas head on a spike.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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