~~~ Wow! Just, Wow! ~~~

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They began to walk the streets of the small town. Several people stared at L as they passed, and it took her a few minutes to realise why. She must have looked odd with sunglasses on; it was cold and cloudy, not a hint of sunshine. She was used to being stared at, though, and soon forgot about them while she followed Bryce's directions.

L felt like her questions were bubbling over again, now that they were off the bus and away from imminent danger. However, she knew it would bring unwanted attention if people saw what appeared to be a young girl talking to thin air. 

So she kept her questions to herself, for now, only nodding or shaking her head to anything Bryce said. They soon left the town far behind and now miles of fields surrounded them. 

"Why couldn't we take the bus to where we're going? Or at least to somewhere much closer than this?"

Bryce smirked, and side glanced at her, "You looked like you were going to burst all this time. Is that what you've been waiting to ask?"

"It's one of the many, many questions I have, yeah." L nodded as she lined up the rest of her questions in her mind.

"I should have known," Bryce chuckled. "Okay, we can't take the bus because then everyone would know where we're located. The place we're going is sort of like a secret base, invitation only."

L gave him an incredulous look. She wasn't sure if he was being serious or just winding her up.

"Alright, well, how far away is it? I know you said a few days away, but you were just messing with me, right?"

Bryce sucked in air from the side of his mouth like he was about to break some bad news.

"Not exactly. We're going to catch a train tonight and then some more walking tomorrow. We might be able to get there by the day after, maybe earlier depending on how fast we move."

L wished she'd never asked, that sounded terrible after what they'd been through and who knew if anything else would find them before that. But she wouldn't ever complain out loud about it.

"You're an Elf though, can't you run really fast and things like that?"

Bryce pursed his lips, "Yes, I can, but we're keeping a low profile. If I go running across the country with you in my arms, I'll alert every bounty hunter and Demon for miles around. Plus, I'd get tired a lot quicker, and if something did attack, then I wouldn't be able to defend you to the best of my abilities."

L considered that for a moment, being carried across the country by Bryce, and she shook her head, she didn't like it.

"Okay, that makes sense, but it's just gonna take ages to get there, that's all. It leaves too many chances for them to find us again."

L didn't say it out loud, but she had a feeling Bryce understood what she was trying to say.

"It's alright, don't worry, I have backup plans set up across the length of our journey to the base. Like I said before, I am the best at what I do." Bryce tapped his nose with a grin. "And there's an advantage to the long trip. It will give you more time to adjust to things before we reach our destination."

It wasn't like she could argue with him. He had an answer for everything. L just proceeded to walk in silence for a while. She didn't feel like asking any of her other questions anymore. Her thoughts were focused on what might lay ahead of her. She kept thinking about this secret hideout that Bryce mentioned. She imagined some kind of government facility with all manner of creatures running it, just waiting for her to get back with Bryce so they could upturn her life some more.

For a split second, she wondered if her parents might be there, but if they were, Bryce would have said something, and he clained he'd never met them. The thought of them being there to welcome her was ridiculous, and she dismissed it immediately. She wanted to ask Bryce if he knew whether they were alive, but a little voice in the back of her mind told her she might not get the answer she wanted.

Unknown L (Book 1)  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now