Chapter 2~

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   For some reason my dad still made us go to school. He said there's no reason to be sad, and we need to take our minds off of it. 'My mom's in a coma, how am I supposed to forget that?' I thought angrily. This morning I put my black, curly hair in a bun. I didn't want to do my makeup. I forgot to do my homework over the weekend. Usually I would panick  over not getting an A, but right now I would rather not do any work. My bus was 10 minutes late getting to school. Which meant I had to walk in the office for a special bus pass. I walked in the office and saw Cherry, one of best friends. "Crystal! What's up girl? You excited for dance today?" 'Oh no' I thought. I had completely forgotten about dance today and didn't get any of my dance clothes. "Oh, hey, um yeah it's gonna be great" I tried to say enthusiastically. I plastered a fake smile on my face and tried to seem happy. Cherry didn't seem to notice anything. We said bye to each other and then she left. I went to the person at the desk, the vice principal. I asked her if I could call my dad and that I left my dance stuff at home. She said she would call me back later. I slowly walked to class. Mrs. Trek always is slow getting her class started, usually I was annoyed by this, because I love learning. But today I was thankful. When I approached my classroom I knocked on the door and Mrs. Trek opened it. She smiled and told me to go sit anywhere and she was changing our assigned seats today.  I managed a weak smile and I sat in the back. No one looked up from their conversations. Not even one of my best friends. Today I counted that as a good thing, because I really didn't feel like talking. All I could think about was my mom. How her long, straight, black hair flowed over her white, long-sleeve, sweater, she had gotten for Christmas. She was short for her age and I had gotten that same trait. I remember when she took Max and I to the park. We played hide and seek. I hid at the top of a slide, and my mom found me and we both slid down the slide together. 'Crystal sit in Luke's group' Mrs. Trek stated. I got all my stuff and moved to Luke's group and sat on the opposite side of Luke and Andy. They weren't really concerned about me, and they were talking about the basketball scores from last night's game. I just took out my  notebook and started doodling. It kept me distracted from the people talking everywhere. I realized that everyone talks a lot. I looked around the room and only spotted one person that wasn't talking, Stella. She was reading a book that I had already read. Mrs. Trek came in and instantly the room was quiet. She started telling us about equations, but I wasn't paying attention. "Crystal can you tell me how to find the answer?" she spoke in a cheerful tone, holding out a dry-erase marker. "Uh, sure- I mean yes mamn" I stuttered. I didn't explain anything I just wrote the answer with some scratch work beside it. Mrs. Trek didn't question me, but she looked at me confused. As soon as the bell rang I got out of there.  I just didn't want Mrs. Trek to talk to me. I started to think I should just skip my next class. 'I'll just go to the nurse and say my head hurts' I thought. It wasn't a lie though, my head really did hurt. I walked straight to the nurse's office. She told me to wait and that she had to help someone right now. I looked at the trophy's in the display case. Mostly sports, cheer, and there were a few dance trophy's too. The nurse called me in and I told her my head was aching. She asked me some questions. Then she called my father to come get me. I got in the car and my father's eyes were puffed up like he had been crying. I just sat there staring out the window. It started to rain. I closed my eyes and began to leave the real world. I opened my eyes and I was suddenly watching me. Well me, but 5 years younger. I was at the amusement park with my mom and I wanted to get on one of the rides, but I was only 10. So, I couldn't get on the ride. I was really upset. My mom just told me "Aw, don't cry sweetheart. How about I take you to get Ice cream?". My eyes lit up immediately, and I started dancing. I closed my eyes and started singing about Ice cream. Then I woke up, to face the heard reality. My dad parked the car and asked if I was going to ever come inside. I got up, got my stuff and went to my room. My headache was still there. I plopped down on my bed lost deep in thought. I thought about all the fights I had with my mom. I can't even really remember what they were even about. 'Mom I'm sorry' I thought.

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