Okay is it just me or does anyone else have a problem with finding a guy that actually cares!!!!! I'm sorry but I need to rant!!! This has been in my mind for at least two weeks!!! So sit down and sip this tea ☕️!!!! I broke up with at my bf because of some things I found out that he did and I didn't agree with.... he said he didn't know if he could change, so I did what was in my best interest and left the relationship!! I don't know why but I just wonder why he did wha he did and why he wasn't going to change.... idk but it's his life and I have mine!!!! Long story short he's douche bag!!!! He got a gf and they've already done some things...... I'm not making this to embarrass him or myself, I'm making this to say be careful of who you open up to!! They might not be who you thought they were!! Pick who you love with care and be smart!!! Get to know them first and they see if you want to be more!!! Love you all!!! HAVE A FLIPPING AWESOME SPRING BREAK!!!!
~ Blue 💙