Those colorful days which came only once

188 15 4

"Deeper, Deeper I dive into your depths. What pray tell do you hide in the dark abyss of your mind?"

Today was a rather good day.

Their had been no signs of Autobots during their most recent raid on an energon mine, and things were rather quiet on the Nemesis for once. Starscream actually did what he was ordered without question, Soundwave as usually worked diligently on keeping the Nemesis up and in top form. Knockout was out racing Primus knows where but he was not worrying about that today.

This afternoon something or rather someone  wondrous awaited him in his quarters. That someone was laying on his berth slightly curled into a ball, a datapad in one of her servos as she rested.

Even in his dimly lit room Sunny's bright yellow and red paint job still brightly shined in the darkness, he strode over to her as quietly as he could, lifting the datapad from her servo.

He took a quick peek at what she was reading, it was the same datapad from his personal library that held information on her place of origin. He stared at the old datapad a moment remembering when they had both readit together in that library, it had brought up some unwelcomed memories of her past. He honestly wanted to crush the datapad for causing his Sunny such emotional discomfort but opted on the action, it was all that was left of her people and their traditions.

He finally sat the datapad down on his desk and headed towards his berth it would be better to not dwell on the past but rather live and cherish the now.

As the now would be to spend a quiet afternoon with his sweetspark. He admired these rare quiet afternoons with Sunny, be it just talking or even debating with her or simply watching her rest as she is now is always a treat for the ex gladiator.

He lay next to Sunny carefully putting a servo around her waist, slowly bringing her closer to his chassis. She did not awaken, only slightly shifting in her recharge murmuring sweet nothings. Megatron watched as her frame lifted up and down cycling air through her vents, noticing the slight twitches in herwings and her small changes in expressions in her face at whatever dream her processor had conjured.

In short he was mesmerized by her completely, she was such an intriguingly intelligent femme with a prepossessing frame to match. He recalled there first debate in her cell where he once held her captive, she gave him quite the run for his credits during that conversation.  He slowly ran his servo over her side noting every seam,  every curve. He was so enticed in his exploration, he did not notice the golden optics slowly onlining.

"Liking what your seeing my King?" His red optics darted upwards from where they were going to the bright face of Sunflare, the golden hue of her optics further brightened her faceplates along with her sweet smile. He only smiled back leaning to kiss his queen, the kiss was rather long and tender neither wanting to separate from each other as if they were magnetized.

The enthalpy between the two heightened quite extraordinarily just as that day in the library. That day he knew he wanted, no he needed this femme by his side.

Her digits traced so carefully like ghost touches over his frame, he felt as if he could melt in every which way when they invaded his seams. It was amazing really to think such a delicate soul such as she would be so gentle with a ruffian such as he.

Or at least in his processor it was quite amazing, in all honesty everything about her was amazing to him. He wanted to give the whole universe to her and then yet again drown himself in her presence even if it is not in intimacy, as long as she is by his side all is well.

She was overflowing with emotion and personality, an ocean filled with kindness and more. All Megatron wanted was to dive into that ocean and explore the depths of her but he would not rush it. He would take this slowly and cherish every moment with her, he would give his all to her and let the water flow.

For now as he and she floated in their ocean as he dived deeper into her treasure, Sunny might have thought she was his but in actuality Megatron was hers. 

For now she was the brightest star in his universe.

NOTE(S)/other stuff:

• This one shot was dedicated to Sunflare a very wonderful user and friend I've been talking too and roleplaying with. Sunny or Sunflare is her OC who we've been shipping with Megatron in our roleplays. (This oneshot felt short for me xD)

Hope you like it, Sunflare! :)

• I'll admit Pleasure P "Under" song was a big influence on this one shot was listening to it as I wrote this. I love that song...Besides that the whole ocean depth thing I had going on was more than "sexual attraction" it was meant to symbolize their was more to her than her outward appearance like there's more to the ocean's depth than shown on the surface. Kind of like their was "More than meets the eye" to Sunflare. 

Anyways Thanks again for reading! Vote and comment please. I'm out~!

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