A night filled with longing

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"It's tedious dwelling on feelings of someone long gone..."

The wind howled in the distance uplifting the dust off the ground. The night sky tonight was littered with small lights accompanied with the bright shine of the moon.

In the distance shined lights of living quarters, though they were not many they still shined brightly.

Megatron had watched as the lights increased in number as he stayed in the darkness where he felt he truly belonged. The world were the lights where was not a place for him, the light meant a new day. Change.

In the dark nothing changed, time stood still, memories were relived. In the darkness, he was content.

He walked along the shadows of the currently abandoned streets of Koan, soon just as the other major cities of Cybertron would be renovated by the Autobots. Things won't be the same. The world he once knew was changing.

Megatron looked down the street to see the Collesseum he once fought in long ago, the memory file of his first victory against an Insecticon beast replayed on his HUD. Along with a file of a certain archivist congratulating him on a victory on a completely different day. He quickly pushed both memory files to the far back of his processor. There was no point in indulging in old victories which only lead back to his greatest loss.


Megatron surveyed the area to find out who exactly said that, after looking left and right, he finally looked back to see a small youngling staring at him.

Cyan optics watched him, flickering once or twice, the youngling started towards him in the dark street. He hadn't noticed until he heard the crunching sound in the little ones servos that it was carrying something.

The ex gladiator looked down at the youngling before him, the little thing was obviously wearing some sort of red and blue box around its frame, along with some weird head garment that reminded him of....

"Are you suppose to be dressed up as Megatron?" The little one asked.

His optic ridges scrunched up, frame flaring with pride. Who did this kid think he was? He was no impostor of himself, he is Megatron and forever will be til the day his spark finally gives out.

The youngling continued. "It looks cool but it doesn't look like him too much. Like my costume!" The little one brimmed with pride pointing at himself. "I look just like Optimus Prime!"

Megatron snorted but decided to indulged himself in the younglings prowess. "You may have the look but you lack the height and stature of the Prime."

The youngling looked absolutely insulted. He couldn't help but laugh at the little things face. "You just wait til I get my next upgrade! I'll be even taller than you and a great mech just like Optimus Prime!" His little voice echoed through the empty streets they occupied.

His laighter seized, and that memory of Orion Pax smiling at him insisted on being seen. He got down on one knee, his old joints creaking rather loudly. He placed his claw on the younglings head. "I hope you do. This planet desperately needs another great Prime. Hopefully I am still online to see you, one day blossom into a mech possibly even greater than Optimus Prime."

The little one nodded excitingly at the praise, smiling brightly. "I promise I will!" He rummaged through his brown bag pulling out quite a few energon goodies. "Here!" He put his hand outward to the large silver mech.

"Why are you giving these to me?" Megatron asked rather perplexed by the gesture.

"Because I like your costume and even though you didn't say trick or treat. I'll give you some anyway because your pretty cool."

He extended his own claw taking the candy from the youngling. He looked at the small blue rectangular cubes, so pure and sweet kind of like...

"Your suppose to say Thank you now!"

"Hot Rod!!" A voice in the distance yelled.

Hot rod quickly turned around at the mention of his name, then came a fast blue and yellow LeMans speeding down the streets towards him. He skidded slightly as he stopped before him quickly transforming. "Hot Rod, what are you doing all the way out here!? I was worried a Predacon might have snatched you up!"

"Sorry Smokescreen...but I wasn't out here by myself. I met a new..." He looked behind himself, the big mech was gone. "...friend." He looked frantically around for the mech he was just talking too. He really wanted Smokescreen to meet him.

Smokescreen cocked an optic ridge at Hot Rod, not too sure on what he was talking about. "You met someone, all the way out here? This place is practically a ghost town." Who in there right mind would be out here? Maybe an ex Decepticon in hiding?

"He was right here just a second ago. Where'd he go?" He held his bag tightly, clearing disappointed his new friend left so suddenly. "I didn't even get to tell him my name."

Smokescreen scooped up the youngling, lifting him up on to his shoulder getting a few giggles out of him. "Come on it's late. Don't want to make Bumblebee worry do we?" Bumblebee had gotten rather attached and protective ever since they found Hot Rod. "I'm sure you'll meet your new pal again."

And with that they started there long walk home. "Oh and Hot rod let's keep this little incident a secret from Bee, ok?"

"Only if you promise I get extra candy!" Hot rod smiled at Smokescreen as he got started snacking on his goodies. "Or I'll tell Bee all about how you lost me in Koan."

Smokescreen glared at Hot rod a moment. "Deal." He reluctantly stated.

In the distance behind a building, a figure lurked in the shadows watching the two go. Megatron ex-vented wearily, watching as Hot rod cheered on his charges shoulder. He popped one of the candies in his mouth that he was given. It had been awhile since he had any of these.

Maybe the upcoming change wasn't too bad.




And Thank you for reading ~! ♥

NOTE(S)/other stuff:

• Here's an early sort of Halloween themed drabble. It's post Predacon Rising by the way. I promise I'm working on Chp 22 (I think? Oh gosh did I lose count!?) I'm just slowly working on it and making sure everything is worded right and all that jazz. Also Pokémon ORAS demo demanded my attention. Hahaha...

• I finally have an excuse to right a moment with Hot rod and Megatron. Today is a good day to be me~!! And suggested Bee/Screen!! BONUS!!!! Ahem. I am calm. Moving on.

- Here's some insider writer stuff for ya:

Also not entirely sure were the whole "change" concept came from I was just listening to Early Early by Gumi and it just came to mind.

• Well that's all I have for now. And you all have a Happy 2SPOOKY Halloween! Or just enjoy the 31st of October as a day if you don't celebrate or dress up. It's all good, if it makes you feel better all I'm doing for Halloween is getting a Pumpkin spice latte and ending it there.

Thank you again for reading, Til next time.

I await your thoughts Dear Reader...

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