Alice Alice

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So guys I had a new idea and am starting it here. I hope you enjoy it haha!

Chapter 1:

7:20 A.M.

Allie Cat's POV

"Hey yo Allie Cat? Where you been girl?" I stop in my tracks and grimace before turning around. Sure enough as I had suspected, there stands the devil himself, Vincent Chandeclaire. I sigh before replying, "The fuck you want bro? I've been in school, you know, like you should be too?" I shake my head and continue walking to school. I'm surprised the insufferable prick is even awake this early.

Footsteps  behind me seem to be getting closer, damn son of a bitch must actually be going to school for once. "Oh come on now Allie Cat don't be so cold, see I'm walking to school just like your hipster ass is. And damn girl can I just say you look fine today." I roll my eyes before stopping and turning to face Vinnie. "Damn it Vinnie, I told you not to call me Allie Cat. I hate that nickname. Also, damn right I look fine today, I do everyday. Stop complimenting me damn." He laughs as we continue walking, "Damn girl, feisty as ever, its a wonder I got lucky enough to call you my girl." I stop and smile back at him, damn, he got me. "Yeah, whatever bozo." I fire at him before grasping his button-up by the front and kissing his adorable face. "Oh but honey bun, you know you love me." He smiles mischievously, I award him with a nice punch in the arm before laughing as he does so with me and we continue to school.

Third Period:

Vinnie's POV

Holy fuck will this class ever end, I'm fucking starving. I half listen to what the teacher is saying. Something about chemicals and safety and shit. Christ we know, wear goggles and shit damn. We've been in this class for months now I mean a rock would fucking get it by now. I dismiss the rest of my environment and decide to finish that drawing I was doing of Allie Cat, as an actually Alley Cat, of course its a furry version and she has her regular style, beanie, big glasses(she actually does need them), half buttoned plaid shit with a tank top underneath and of course her s

signature old skinny jeans and converse. She always says she hates these kinds of things I draw her as but I know she actually loves them. You don't put something you hate on the walls of your room and shit. Remembering the first picture I did of her and how she just stared at it for minutes before claiming she didn't like it. I know she did, her eyes were glossy and she was blushing terribly. That was right after I had asked her out.

Finally the bell rings and the teacher dismisses us, I stay back a little to deliver two weeks worth of work then I'm on my way to P.E. my favorite class. I get to see Allie Cat in those ridiculously short P.E. shorts that the girls are forced to wear while us guys' shorts hang past most guys knees some. The girl is actually fantastic at sports though she hates them with a passion. After changing into my gym clothes in the locker room I make my way into the gym. Looking around I finally spot my little Allie Cat and saunter over to her. She spots me and stares at me quizzically, "The hell you doing with your legs and shit?" she asks, I laugh at her expression before answering with, "It's called walking dear. Come on now, don't tell me you don't like my swagger?" I follow through and begin walking even more stupidly before stopping in front of her. "Did ya miss me my fine Alley Cat? She scoffs before answering my question with, "In your dreams Romeo." I look to the ceiling laughing before replying back, "Oh no don't be so cold my fine feline, you know you missed this fine specimen" I gesture to myself obnoxiously before stealing a kiss from my Alley Cat and high-tailing it through the gym. Just as I knew she would, my sweet kitty now chases me throughout the gym while I run for my life laughing like an idiot.

Alice AliceWhere stories live. Discover now