The Men in Tuxedos - Part deux

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The Men in Tuxedos

Part deux

After finishing up with Chase, I checked the time on my phone. Levi was wrong. We didn't have two hours before the appointment with the tailor. We had fifteen minutes before the car arrived. I slipped the phone back into my purse.

I padded to the bathroom door, my hand poised to knock, when I heard him singing inside. I giggled upon hearing him sing my ringtone. Fifteen minutes, my mind reminded me. I rapped on the door. "Levi, we have ten minutes before the driver gets here."

He stopped singing. "Be right out."

My stomach made noises. I headed to the cart and took a sip of the black coffee, and debated which pastry I should go for. Eating pain au chocolat in Paris? How could it be wrong? I was almost through the delicious treat when the bathroom door opened. And I almost choked as something more delectable presented itself to me.

Fresh out of the shower, Levi had wrapped a towel around his waist. His torso was slick with water droplets and his hair was dripping wet. He was rubbing his clean and smooth jaw as he sauntered over to me.

Do not lick the water off his chest, my mind was telling me over and over.

"Good breakfast?" He lifted my hand and popped the last piece of croissant into his mouth. A dollop of melted chocolate dripped on my thumb. Levi saw it, wrapped his lips over my thumb and licked off the chocolate. He moaned, and it struck me like lightning, tingling the nerve endings from my thumb to my center, and down to the tips of my toes. I stared at my thumb then looked up to his face. There was lust in his eyes but the rest of his features remained neutral.

He released my hand, picked up his cup and sipped, keeping his lustful eyes on me. "That's damn good breakfast." He tilted his lips into a crooked smile, then sipped his coffee again. Lucky cup!

I stood quietly, holding my cup with two trembling hands, trying so hard to focus on finishing my coffee. I stared out into the city while I listened to Levi moving about the room to get ready. My body silently hummed from that quick contact with him, and I refused to think of anything else.

Our car was on time as usual. The chauffer might have been surprised to see Levi come out of the hotel with me, but he didn't show it.

Levi was absently rubbing circles on my knee with his thumb while I was going through the plans for the day in my head. I looked his way when he gave my knee a little squeeze but his attention was focused outside the window. I took that chance to examine him closer.

Tracing a line with my eyes from his strong neck to his square jaw, lusciously full lips, and elegant nose, to deep-set blue grey eyes that changed shades depending on his mood, graciously curled ear, framed by thick, black brown hair, then back to his neck again. I had come to the conclusion that this man was beyond gorgeous. He even looked younger after getting rid of the beard. I stared back at his lips and imagined what they felt like on my entire body (I should remember this, shouldn't I?). He turned to me with amused eyes.

He was about to speak but something over my shoulder had caught his eyes. As he reached for the headrest of the seat upfront, he said some beautiful French words to our driver, who clearly obeyed him by pressing on the brakes, gently, without causing me to fly forward.

"Are we here?" I asked Levi and our driver.

"No, I just have to make a stop. I'll see you at the tailor." Without another word, he kissed my lips hurriedly but sweetly, then let himself out of the car.

I watched him cross the street and enter a shop.

The other men were present, looking a bit tired and sleepy, when I arrived at my destination. Landon and Trent were goading each other, while Jake sat sullenly in a little corner chair. My upbeat "hello" caught their attention. The cousins waved at me. Jake stood up, smiled, but then trained his eyes at the door, seemingly waiting for someone unwelcomed to appear. I gingerly approached him, adopting the French way of greeting.

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