A little bit of information for you

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**You can skip if you'd like and find out all of this on your own by reading it. **

Alright, so I was pretty dead set on writing a werewolf story that was out of the norm. So, here we go. 

Packs have a hierarchy. Not exactly a new concept, but I figured I would take it a step further. So I have created a social hierarchy for all these packs. Here's the kicker: there's a "leading" pack that rules over smaller packs. Think of them like little miniature kingdoms. The "lesser" packs (but not really referred to in that sense) have their own alphas and their own lands, but owe allegiance to the dominant pack, and they're considered part of that pack. 

Let's take one of the packs, MistFang, for example. They're the largest pack and at the top of the hierarchy due to their size. They "rule" over around 15 smaller packs. That makes them the big bad wolf that nobody wants to mess with. I mean, why would you fight 16 packs? And consider alliances with other big packs too. 

Another thing that I've tampered with is general manners and whatnot. Instead of first names, I've made it a custom that you are only to know the last name of a person. Knowing and calling someone by their first name is a show of intimacy, and a privilege. Nick names can be given, but again only for those who are close to each other. 

Meeting the eyes of your alpha unless given permission to is seen as a challenge, and he has the right to accept. The same goes for a luna. 

Females are not seen as equal to males. (Don't get mad just yet.) It's not an insult to gender, it's actually more so seen that females aren't expendable and they're much more valuable, so they must be protected and kept out of harm's way. Female warriors are a commodity, but also very hard to come by. 

Women are still trained and part of the pack's day to day life, in the off chance they needed to defend themselves. However, you will not really see them at the front lines of a war, if you get what I'm saying. 

A luna is to be the mother of the pack. There's a whole ceremony to become a luna, but you'll read about that later. A luna will take on the last name of the pack and abandon whatever her last name previously was. For example, using MistFang again, the luna's name would be Luna Fang. The alpha will keep his last name, as Alpha Whatever. (You get the point.)

Okay, so mates. 

It's always a huge, key aspect to writing a werewolf book. Yada yada yada, sad backstory and her mate is an alpha. We've all read it before. I wanted to add a twist to that. 

So we have: potential mates! 

A potential mate is exactly that. They aren't truly the one you're supposed to be with, but say that your mate is a royal jerk or just not someone you think is meant for you. A potential mate can fully mate with you, produce offspring, marking, and all that jazz. Albeit, the "bond" as you might say, won't be as strong as it would be with your true mate. 

*Males can easier recognize who their mate is. Eye contact MUST be made.*

Also my story will not have "heat," or whatever that is. I've never been fond of that whole concept. It annoys me to no end. 

Also my book is LGBT+ friendly, meaning that yes, there will be gay mates. Get out if you don't like that. 

My story will not have mind linking or any general mind reading that you get when you mate with someone or join a pack. It's never made sense for me and I can't bring myself to write that stuff. 

A few more things and then this will be over, I promise. 

While bloodline does play an important role in what rank someone holds, their rank CAN be challenged by anyone who wants it. You don't really have to have a big reason to, other than just wanting the role and seeing the person holding that role as unfit. After all, they are wolves. 

Speaking of, the nature of my characters will lean towards animalistic. Humans may or may not be in this story, and that isn't to say that the packs are isolated from humans or anything. 

I'm also introducing new terminology for ranks. I'm going to breakdown all of the important roles, or high ranking roles if you will. 

Alpha- Leader of the pack. His word is law, and it is him that we seek guidance from. 

Luna- Leader of the pack.  The "mother." The top priority female. 

Beta- Second in command. They take over the role of alpha when either he dies, or is out somewhere. 

Gamma- Essentially a backup backup. If the alpha is gone, their role is now beta. 

Zeta- Each pack has one or two zetas, depending on size. Their role is to train and command the warriors of the pack and have them battle ready. Like a general. 

Theta- Medic specifically for high ranking roles. This medic will typically be more educated or more seasoned, and their priority is healing and saving the important ranks of a pack. 

Lota- Each pack will have one or two lotas, depending on size. Their job is to heal the rest of the pack. 

Delta- Each pack will have two or three deltas, depending on size. Essentially these are the messengers of the pack.

Oracle- Few packs have more than one oracle. An oracle is someone blessed with sights and visions from the moon. However they are not fortune tellers, and not everything they see is set in stone. 

Lastly, a very important tradition is one that revolves around "the table." The table is where only the alpha and those he trusts the most may sit, and only by invitation from the alpha himself. The alpha takes the first bite and the luna takes the first drink.

Yay! You got through it all. I hope that you enjoy my story. Please comment and vote, and if you have any questions, I'm extremely active on this site and will always reply! <3

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