Mr Spears

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It was an hour or two after you got home from detention,thankfully nothing happened but Mr spears still kept looking at you from time to you sat on your settee watching some Netflix,you got a bit bored and went to get some food and noticed that your mom was not home."strange," you mumble,normally she is home before half decided to open your phone to see if she had text you,but there was no messages from her.

After about half and hour you heard the front door,it's your mom but she's with reluctantly left the kitchen to see her and to see who she was with,to your horror it was Mr spears. Apparently she had made friends with him,"why's he here" you growl,your mom simply smiled." What's so funny?" She just kept smiling,you being the stubborn teen you are.threw a mini tantrum and went to your room.

(After you left)

"Is (m/n) all ways like that?" You heard Mr spears ask.

"Yes he is." You heard your mom reply.

"Is he a trouble maker at home?" He asked innocently.

"Not really,but he's very stubborn." Your mom says to him.

"Oh...well let's hope with some strict school discipline he'll change." He says and that's the end of that conversation.

(Back with you)

You sat on your floor,still having a mini decided to text your friends but as you were going to send the first message,you heard your mom say she was going out and that Mr spears was going to stay and look after you.your mind was running wild at this point and the front door noise didn't help either,"why...why..why." you say repeatedly,your in total panic mode cause you know that Mr spears is hot and now that your home alone with him makes it worse."(m/n) would you like to watch a film?" He ask innocently,you thought about it form a moment...then you decided it wouldn't be that bad,so you went Down stairs to watch then film with him.

(About 30 minutes into the film)

"So(m/n) About that crush you have on me." He states with a small smirk on his lips.

"Y-yes...what About it." You say with a small stutter which makes mr spears chuckle.

After you said that he pulled your chin to face him,"now let's finish what we started."he states in a very seductive tone,he then plants a soft but rough kiss on your lips,he starts to move while gently laying you on your back so that he was on top of you.he then starts to suckle and kiss down your neck leaving love bites in the process,he bit on a specific area of your neck which made you gasp slightly,he noticed your reaction and bit it agian making you moan slightly."you.." you try to speak but he cuts you of by placing his knee in your groin area,you moan as he starts to move his knee up,Down,side to side."do those noises agian,(m/n)" he asks and you can't help but comply.

He starts to slowly move his hand down your body,you try to protest but it doesn't last very long due to the insane pleasure that he was giving you,he reached your belt buckle while undoing it he was looking at you the whole time with that same devious smirk on his face."what..are you doing...Ah" you asks in between moans,as he started to rub you member through your boxers you can't help but had never been in a romantic relationship before so this was a new experience for you,as your moans grow louder you realised that you were dripping with pre-cum,you start to blush madly and all Mr spears does is chuckle.

As he removes your boxer with one hand,he slowly starts to unbuttons his shirt.your in shock because of how well built his chest is,you can't help but stare at his well built chest.he then pulls you onto his lap with your back on his chest,he whispers into your ear"now the party can get started."your blushing like crazy,your insanely curious so you let him do what he wants...

(And that was the end of that night)

Your in bed,after that night Your back really you sat up you felt someone at the foot of your bed,it was "Mr spears?!?!" You shout,all he does is smile."I see your finally Your back ok?" He asks,you nod eventhough your back still did hurt a bit." I've made you some breakfast I really hope you enjoy it," Mr spears says, he points towards a table with a plate full of delicious items on it,your eyes practically had stars in them when you saw how delicious looking the breakfast was.Mr Spears place his arm around your shoulder,he planted a kiss on your forehead and you cuddled him while eating your breakfast...

( did you enjoy this chapter as much as you did the others,remember if there are any mistakes please don't be afraid to point them out,I hope you guys enjoy it,I do wish to see you guys in the next chapter)

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