Mr Michaelis.

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Readers pov

I sat in my seat, which was at the back. Why the back? Well its simple really, it's because I hate nearly everyone in my class. And I'm not one for socializing, anyway back to the topic; so there I was reading a book while waiting for Mr Michaelis to arrive and teach this hell hole, I was however sitting next to one of my friends. And we both happen to know French.

So what did I do? Well i spoke in French of course.

Friend: M/N que pensez-vous que M. Michaelis fait?

M/N: je ne suis pas sûr.

Friend: j'espère juste qu'il peut gérer la classe.

M/N: Moi aussi.

So after we finish our conversation, Mr Michaelis walks in. "Morning class, today we are doing math. So books out and no messing around," he shouted with a stern tone. We all obviously got our books out, and what do you do in school books? BORING WORK! So I mostly talk to my friend during his lesson.

Unfortunately though, we have a few muppets in our class. And what do muppets do? Well, they do whatever it takes to get attention. And guess what they did? They threw a FRICKING BOOK AT MY HEAD! A book! Do you know how much that hurt?!?! And boy did I let them know it hurt!


Muppet: that's you bro!


Mr. Michaelis: That's enough, out!

M/N: Fine!

As I stood outside the class room, I contemplated whether or not to storm back in there. But I chose not to as I'm already in enough trouble; "Now M/N, I understand that he threw the book off your head. And of course that must of hurt so I am seeing you both after class to deal with this situation, understood?" He stated, "yes sir," was my only reply.

(After class)

"Right, now if you do not stop this behaviour I will have no choice but to suspend you." Mr. Michaelis stated to the muppet, this made the muppet show fear and he soon settled down and went home. "Now as for you M/N~" he whispered seductively while grabbing my arm, "I have something special planned for you~"

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2020 ⏰

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