Chapter 5

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"I've had it with the midget." Aubrey huffs as she moves into the passenger seat next to Chloe.

"Huh?" Chloe asks, confused by the girl's entry.

"She took a whole hour this morning in the bathroom. Now I look like shit." Aubrey shakes her head, putting on her seatbelt.

"You look beautiful as always Bree." Chloe gives a sympathetic smile as she puts the car in reverse, pulling out of the Posen's driveway.

"She never takes that long, so she must have been doing it on purpose." The blonde continues, "And she blasts that god awful music while she's showering, my room was practically shaking with rave trash. I'm surprised I didn't find any potheads dancing outside of our house."

Chloe nods her head as her best friend continues to rant, her body on autopilot as she drives towards the high school. Aubrey may have made a mistake when she put the words Beca and Shower together in one sentence, making it hard for Chloe to think of much else.


"Yeah?" Chloe glances over at the blonde, receiving a puzzled look.

"You're spacing out."

"Sorry." Chloe shakes her head, feeling her face burn up. "My mind's just set on routines for cheer practice today."

"Oh." Aubrey nods, before continuing on with talk about the squad. Chloe remains to space out every now and then, nodding her head in agreement when she needs to. Her thoughts linger on the past week, wondering how it had flown by so quickly.

Chloe felt bad when she spent time with Aubrey lately, knowing she would be sneaking off to the greenhouse at lunch or during free periods instead of being with her best friend. Beca was there every time, ready to put Chloe into bliss before the next class would start. She felt guilty, knowing she was cheating on Tom and lying to her best friend. There's no doubt that if Aubrey found out, she would call it a great betrayal of some sorts. Chloe really wouldn't blame her for it either.

Meeting up with Beca though, it made Chloe's heart beat in excitement. She couldn't wait for each short reunion with the brunette. Beca still didn't converse much during their time together, but Chloe had gotten the girl to smile a few times. Chloe couldn't even explain the joy she felt when she saw the girl's lips curve the slightest because of something she said.

Chloe also liked the way Beca would climax because of her.

It made her feel powerful and desirable, all in the best way.

Tom had begun to ask questions on why Chloe wasn't spending much time with him, but she only told him that she was busy with cheer and homework. He had complained about not getting intimate with her since the dance, but she honestly just couldn't do it. Why would she ever go to Tom again when she could go to Beca, who actually knew how to please her. So Chloe just continued to make excuses, hoping he would eventually just disappear until she figured out what she was going to do about the both of them. She still couldn't decide if she was ready to break it off just yet. The people around her would, and that's the daunting aspect of it.

Chloe looks around the commons when they step inside the school, knowing she's always mindlessly searching for the brunette in every room.

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