Chapter 15

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Beca could feel it in the way she slept, how it relaxed her muscles as it glided around her body like an enlivening silk. Along with the arms around her waist, and the body pressed up against her back, the relief feels as tangible as the soft breath on her neck.

Her eyes burn a little as she opens them, sore from the shed emotions last night. She feels movements behind her as her vision picks up on darkness. There's lips against her head the next second, giving her a reason to fight the drowsiness and keep her eyes opened.

Fingers scratch softly against her cheek as they pull back the hair on her face, tucking it behind her ear. Another kiss, now on her neck. Her eyes adjust to the darkness, but she can't help but wonder what time of morning it is. She can't remember when she fell asleep, but it didn't seem like too long ago. The last thought she can remember is holding Chloe in her arms.

"I gotta go." The girl whispers into her ear, placing another kiss there after.

"No." Beca groans, furrowing her eyebrows.

There's a soft chuckle, tickling her ear. "Bree will be waking up to her alarm in ten minutes."

"What time is it?" Beca yawns.

"Early." Chloe replies, astounding the brunette by how lively she sounds already.

"Five more minutes." Beca mumbles, closing her eyes again.

"You don't have to get up silly, just me." Chloe chuckles, sitting up halfway making the other girl frown. "You go back to sleep."

Beca rolls over on her back, opening her eyes to see the redhead looking down at her. Seeing the girl's face makes her gulp, remembering everything that had happened last night. A wave of emotion suddenly hits her, realizing Chloe had stayed. She didn't change her mind like Beca thought might happen. She still hasn't fully embraced the whole forgiveness thing yet – she has a feeling it might take a while to do so to be honest.

Chloe smiles softly, something Beca can barley make out through the dark. She leans down though, capturing Beca's lips between her own. The feeling of the girl's lips on her own, feels different somehow. It feels lighter, more meaningful. She can still taste last night between them. The brunette feels a tear pass down her own cheek, touching the other girl's lips.

"What's wrong?" Chloe pulls back, eyebrows knitting together. Her hand rises, touching Beca's cheek to wipe off the wetness.

"I'm just…" Beca takes a deep breath, feeling another wave threatening her. "You're here."

Chloe tilts her head, looking confused still. Her voice is softer than before though. "Of course I am Becs…"

Beca nods, hating that another tear has escaped. She tries to smile through it, but Chloe can easily pick up the weakness Beca can't hide this time.

"Did you think I was gonna leave?" The other girl wonders, making Beca look down between them.
She takes a deep breath, reaching out for Chloe's hand on her own chest. The redhead's fingers intertwine with her own, making it easier for her to speak. "I just, I didn't know if you'd change your mind or not."

Chloe instantly shakes her head, leaning down and kissing the fingers interlaced with her own. "I meant every word last night."

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