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    She woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside her window. It was a perfect spring day, not too hot and not too cold. The air had a perfect, gentle breeze and big fluffy cumulus clouds floated happily in the sky. She inhaled softly and turned over to intertwine her fingers in the messy hair of the man who was supposed to be sleeping next to her. Her hand searched the bed for the warmth that the touch of his skin normally brought to her but found nothing but empty covers. She sighed and sat up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Her nose was immediately drawn to the smell of fresh bacon sizzling over a fire. She heard footsteps coming up the stairs and immediately recognized the metal clank that came with every other step. The doorknob turned and the door to her bedroom opened. "Good morning m'lady!" Said a cheery eyed, smiling Hiccup carrying a tray of bacon, eggs, toast, and two glasses of milk. "What is this?" Astrid asked.


    "Well yeah I know that!" she laughed and shook her head. "But why?" Hiccup sat down next to her and placed the tray in between them. "I wanted to do something special for you." They enjoyed a nice morning, listening to the hustle and bustle that came from the street below them. Astrid looked over at Hiccup who was slowly eating the last strip of bacon. She watched how his jawline shifted as he chewed and how his shoulders moved up and down as he breathed. She hadn't realized she was staring until he leaned over and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Alright, I gotta get to work."
"Oh my god work! I totally forgot!" She rushed out of bed and began digging through her drawers for her shirt and leggings. "No no! Don't worry about it. I talked to a couple of people and managed to get you the day off." Hiccup said. He walked over and took her clothes out of her hand. Astrid looked at him confused. "What? Why?" She asked. "I don't know. You just work really hard. You deserve a day off for once. I talked to Eret and got him to cover your work for today." He replied. "Now why don't you run these things downstairs and I'll draw you a nice warm bubble bath before I go?" He handed her the now empty tray and headed into the bathroom.
Hiccup had always been one to do things for Astrid. He always tried to be romantic when he had the time. But today he had already done many things and it wasn't even noon yet. She didn't argue against him doing anything because she knew there was no getting around his stubbornness, and to be honest it would be nice to have the day off. She heard his footsteps coming down the stairs and turned around to wish him goodbye. He walked over and placed a sweet kiss on her lips. "Hey I meant to ask you earlier, why are you spoiling me so much this morning?" She questioned. "Because I love you and I think that you deserve the best." He replied. "Now go upstairs because the water is getting cold." And with that he kissed her cheek and hurried out the door.
With the bath occupying his curious girlfriend, he rushed to the great hall to meet the rest of the gang for brunch. He had told them earlier that week of his plans to surprise Astrid and let them know that he was going to need their help. The twins were in charge of causing distractions and keeping her busy while Snotlout and Fishlegs were to help Hiccup set things up. He had talked Eret and his mother into taking over his and Astrid's daily duties and told them to only come to him if there was an emergency. He had planned a series of small surprises that would lead up to the "jackpot".
After about an hour of soaking, the water had gotten cold and the bubbles had disappeared. Astrid leaned out of the tub and grabbed her towel. She wrapped it around her body and walked out of her bathroom and into her room to grab her clothes. Once dressed, she wrapped the towel around her wet hair and walked downstairs to get something to drink. As she entered the living room, she noticed a beautiful bouquet of pink cherry blossoms on the table next to a book with a leather cover and a note beside it. She walked to the table and picked up the note. It read,

You are the right in my life
That removes every wrong
You are the power in my life
That makes everything strong
You are the remedy in my life
That cures every illness
You are the calm in my life
That diffuses all of my stress
You have believed
In everything I've done
You're not just my everything
You're my number one

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