-Chapter Six: Take Me Back-

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"I found it."

Hermione Granger was about two steps away from jumping up and down. Her eyes were brimming with a mixture of pride and excitement. The small corner of the library seemed to glow that little bit brighter just in the presence of her electric mood. Kadin, even in her confusion, felt her grin stretch wider in appreciation.

"Found what?" Kadin asked, mind racing with possibilities (Rowena Ravenclaw's lost diadem? Wally? The crow that Snape had skinned for his hair?).

"The mystery woman." Hermione said, "Ish."

Kadin could barely keep a lid on her excitement, "Really? That's awesome. I knew you would- Hey, what do you mean 'ish'?"


A heavy volume landed on the desk between them, releasing a cloud of dust. The leather binding was a horrible beige colour, and spelled out in calligraphy on the front were the words 'SCHOOL RECORDS 1900-2050'.

"It was obvious, really." Hermione was saying as she flipped through the pages with all the precision and focus of a bug hunter looking for their next sample, "I knew she was probably in the same year as your mum, because you said the gargoyle thing-"


"Right. That." Hermione obviously let that name go over her head, "Well, he- she- it said they were friends. So I found the sorting records from the year they started, and look."

Kadin frowned down at the page. A list of names stretched down in front of her in an extremely unhelpful font. Hermione tapped a finger on one line, reading 'Sirius Orion Black', right next to 'Gryffindor'.

"That's my dad." Kadin swallowed, "How does that help?"

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Not him. Look at the name beneath."

It looked like they'd skipped a line between Sirius Black and some guy with the extravagant title of Malcortious Booth, but if Kadin really narrowed her eyes, she could see the marks where ink had been hurriedly scrubbed out.

"I don't understand." Kadin said, "What happened?"

The other girl's energy didn't dim for a second, "Someone's trying to cover up the fact that this woman- whoever she is- ever existed. They're physically removing her from history."

Before Kadin had the chance to ask what that meant, another voice could be heard from among the shelves.

"Hermione? Are you in here?"

Hermione stepped out so she stood in the isle, "Over here!"

Harry Potter appeared from the twisting labyrinth of books, looking decidedly uncomfortable in amongst the piles of learning. Kadin glanced stared studiously at the book at the arrival of the former, finding both 'Linette Bell- Hufflepuff' and 'Jade Wood- Ravenclaw' along with the hasty and unalphabetical addition of some girl called Bella, with a little Slytherin crest by her name.

She could sense Harry avoiding her eyes as well, though his steps turned distinctly stroppy. 

"Don't tell me you two are still fighting." Hermione said with a groan, "Honestly, you're so childish."

"Oi, Harry!" Ron Weasley stumbled into their little enclave, "I thought I'd lost you there for a minute there, mate."

Hermione turned a murderous stare on Harry, "I told you not to bring him!"

"Don't tell me you two are still fighting." Harry mimicked, not in a cruel way. Hermione scowled.

Kadin felt strangely responsible for all the divides in the little group. She turned to Harry, "I'm very extremely sorry for not telling you my dad might probably a little bit be responsible for your parents dying. I won't do it again."

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