CHAPTER 04 : Boyfriends

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Finally I arrive at my dorm I can't believe we are officially together it's my dream come true. And the kiss oh my god I can still feel his lips on mine, I can still hear the sound he was making damn I'm getting hard get a grip of yourself Ae, you don't want to have a boner in front of Ai'Pond. As I open the door there's 5 guys masturbating in front of a porno shia my friend is really out of his mind he could at least let me know he is inviting some strangers in our room.

- What the hell are you guys doing?
- It's the latest porn I invited my friend to share my new acquisition
- What about me it's my room too you shouldn't do that!
- Don't be such a prude, you won't be able to get your Ai'Pete if you talk like that!

If only he knew I had planned to let him know but now I'm not so sure about it after all he can be an ass sometimes he'll certainly use it against me for sure.
I decide to leave them but not before warning him to clean the room before I come back. On my way to the field where I plan to run a few laps to empty my mind I meet with N'Chompoo.

- P'Ae what are you doing here?
- I'm going for a run
- Can I join you?
- Sorry But I like to be on my own when I run
- But P' please I just want to spend some time with you
- Nong I already told you that I'm not interested
- But you don't know me, maybe if you took the time to get to know me better you would end up liking me
- I'm sorry to burst your bubble but that's not going to happen and I'm taken so I don't want to give you false hope
- You are taken? Who is she? Do I know her?
- To answer you, yes I'm taken, it's not a she it's a he, and you know him
- Who is it ? Who stole you from me?
- It's Ai'Pete and he didn't stole me from you I was never yours to start with
- So I really have no chance? Not even a tiny hope?
- I'm sorry I want to thank you for liking me but I can't reciprocate your feelings
- Can we at least be friends?
- I'm sorry but I don't think it would work plus I don't want to give my boyfriend any wrong idea about you and me it's better if you forget about my existence
- Yes P' I will do as you say be happy with P'Pete
- Thank you nong

And without another word being uttered I was left alone thankfully she didn't make a scene things could have gotten ugly quite easily but she understood exactly what I said and didn't make a fuss I was glad to have this out of the way now I would be able to concentrate on my boyfriend I keep on repeating this word but it sounds so good that I can't help it. I started to run I had made about 20 laps when my phone started ringing I looked at the person calling me it was Ai'Pete.

Phone Call

- Ai'Ae I've just arrived home what are you doing ?
- I'm running
- I'm sorry for bother...
- It's not a bother I'm glad you called me
- Really?
- Yes really actually I wanted to ask you out on a date this Saturday if you are free?
- ...
- Ai'Pete did you hear what I just asked you?
- Yes I heard you ! Is it for real? I'm not dreaming you are asking me on a date?
- Haha yes it's real I'm asking you out we're boyfriends now we should go on a date just the two of us what do you say?
- What do I say... Of course I want to be on a date with you alone if possible that would be awesome
- Then what about we watch a movie and then have lunch?
- Sure Ai'Ae if that is what you want!
- Then let's meet at Siam square Saturday at 10am, is that ok?
- Yes it is, will i see you tomorrow for lunch as well ?
- Of course that's a must where do you want to eat ?
- I will go to your faculty I will see you tomorrow then have a nice evening Ai'Ae
- Thank you Ai'Pete have a nice evening as well

End of phone call

I can't believe it we are going on a date, we are going on a date Saturday can't come soon enough I'm ecstatic. I haven't said I love you to him yet I think it's too soon but I sure feel it deep down. Could I get any luckier to have Ai'Ae as my boyfriend is more than I could ask for. I pinched my cheek to make sure I wasn't dreaming, after the fiasco with my ex boyfriend I would never have thought that someone like Ae could fall for me but here we are a couple. I remember how we kissed the taste of his lips oh what I wouldn't give to have another taste I was addicted after just one kiss I've got it bad but that's okay I trust Ai'Ae he wouldn't play with my feelings he's honest to a fault, we practically saw each other everyday, talked on the phone every night as well. We were really close first as friends and now as boyfriends. I went to bed but couldn't sleep as I thought about what I would wear on Saturday when I finally slept it was past 2am.

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