~~ Importance Is Irrelevant ~~

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The man in front of her quietened the whispers from those gathered and turned back to L.

"I knew you'd be spirited, but I didn't expect it to this degree. We shall discuss everything you want as soon as possible, and I won't mention how important you are again. Hopefully, over the next few days, you'll know it to be true yourself."

Days? L wanted to scream that she wasn't waiting that long. She needed answers now but she said nothing. She couldn't offend them and risk them holding back any information as a result. She would listen and attempt to be patient. The man took a few steps back to join the rest of the group and gestured towards each of them.

"First off, introductions are in order. We are the governing body of our community. Some call us The Order or The Council, but we prefer to use our own names. We come together to discuss matters between each of our species and kin. I think by now you've guessed a few of the species present but to avoid anything misunderstandings I'll quickly explain. First off, Walter is a vampire, and he speaks for a number of the clans. Don't worry they only feed on animal blood."

L glanced over at Walter, finding his name almost amusing if it wasn't for the smirk he was giving her. She quickly looked over at Bryce, his expression was passive, and he inclined his head to her- she got the message. Walter may be a friend, but she was still to be wary of him. She wouldn't have any trouble with that. She looked to the next member of the group when the grey haired man introduced them.

"This is Katherine, who is a Werewolf and speaks for a number of the packs as well as some of the other shape-shifters, Kitsunes and Were-creatures."

L watched the woman with golden eyes smile at her, and her teeth protruded out of her mouth now, as though she was proving what she was. L returned the smile briefly, and they moved on through the ranks while L tried to digest it all. She met the lizard man, whose name was Archie, but she didn't quite catch what he was as the man introducing them was on a roll.

Next was Matilda, the green lady, who turned out to be a Nature Sprite and spoke for all nature creatures including Nymphs, Fairies, Pixies, and a number of others. The Elven man was named Kreleth, he was the spokesperson for the Elves but while he was being introduced his gaze kept flickering over to Bryce. L wondered what was going on there. Despite how fleeting it was, there was something not quite right. She stored it away for later while the introductions continued.

The smaller man was, in fact, a Dwarf. His name was Tern, but L wondered if there was something wrong with his name. He looked uncomfortable when it was said. The woman who kept shifting in her skin, whose name was Maeve, was revealed to be an Elemental and a master of the air. The things happening with her body instantly made sense now, and also why she didn't have a seat. L was fascinated, but the next introduction was the one she wanted to hear the most.

The man with the grey hair took a step forward when it was his turn. He smiled at her, then in the blink of an eye he was stood with a tall, polished wooden staff in one hand and an envelope in the other. L was too stunned by what she'd seen to try and deny it. It must have been magic, and then it hit her why he looked so human but was still a part of this group.

His next words confirmed her suspicions, "And finally, my name is Vadim, I am a High Warlock. I'm not in charge, and I don't make the final decisions. This is a democracy; although I do keep the peace if and when it's needed as agreed by everyone present. Also...," he hesitated and his tone softened. "I was a close, personal friend of your parents, and they entrusted me with making sure you found your way here."

He was smiling brightly at L like this revelation was a celebration. But a lump was forming in L's throat, and she tried to remain guarded.

"You were their friend? What does that mean? So... so you don't know where they are? They're not waiting somewhere for me?"

Unknown L (Book 1)  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now