Ch.1 The Pack is Back

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(POV: ???)

"What's our ETA?"

"Exactly one hour sir."

"Good, keep a steady flight pattern." General Ironwood says as he goes over data on his scroll.

As I look around at all the Atlas soldiers as they are all busy with their tasks, rather robotic in away making even Penny look more real as she sits next to me reading some girly magazine with "The Achieve Men" on it. It's strange how despite seeing this all my life; the serious atmosphere, the in sync chattering of buttons, to even the chattering of work from everyone now seems...stale and predictable.

"Lana." I suddenly hear General Ironwood say to me as I quickly jump up and salute.


"If you would, I would like you to go over this profile." He says handing me his scroll as Penny now looks over to look as well.

"Of course," I say, looking over the data getting more and more concerned, "is this profile correct?"

"Yes, it's someone who Ozpin has decided to bring in and help with our Torchwick situation."

" Ozpin sure about this individual, while I do agree his skills are adequate, his...everything else seems like a concerning factor. Especially adding it in with [F/n]'s...[F/n]ness."

"I understand your reasoning," he says gaining his scroll back, "honestly if I had it my way, their would be more of a disagreement as to whether or not to find someone new. Even so, I still trust in Ozpin's judgment, though questionable at times, and shall only hope he knows what he's doing, especially considering his reluctance to refuse to let go of Steele."

I want to say something, but the words refuse to come out he sits back down.

"Either way, things are about to be more productive and well oiled from now on."

At that, the conversation ends as I'm only left feeling concerned about what this semester brings.

(POV: [F/n])

"Sir, the Grimm have made it past the barricade!" a soldier says to his leader as panic can be heard in the background.

Right now playing in silver, a village called "Keld" is being attacked by a Grimm horde that advanced from the nearby mountains. The village warriors struggle to keep them back as everyone tried to escape their merciless attackers as the leader grabs his weapon and charges forward.

"FOR KELD!!!" He yells as he quickly decapitates a Beowolf Grimm with one swing as he charges the rest joining his soldiers in defending their home.

Sadly however, in a matter of minutes more Grimm will appear causing them to be pushed back until eventually they all are killed, and as much as I wish I could help or even tell them to withdraw, but I know I can't because of two reasons: The first, being I'm technically not really here. And second, is that although I'm watching this scene, the true reason I'm here is a child running away with her parents.

It took me a while to realize it, but apparently my "visions" I had last semester were points in time I traveled to through that strange state of being I could only explain as "The Silver Plain" my powers sent me to, allowing me to see what's happening without being able to interfere. At first, I didn't think there was a pattern or reason for me appearing in these past events until I started to notice a common theme as I look over to the girl as she walks to the ground as Grimm got closer to them as the terror filled her silver eyes.

I wish I could help her or tell her to run, but I can only watch with her as other run away, stopping her parents from being able to get her as her legs refuse to move and Grimm sense her fear and begin to get closer and closer until as the girl begs them to go away as her eyes begin to flare as the Grimm only begin to surround her.

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