Chapter 12

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          Sunlight filtered in through the half curtained window. Its bright shine on my eyes was what woke me up from the deep sleep I was trapped in. I let out a deep groan and stretched my achy limbs out above my head. I let my arms flop down, but felt the carpet instead of my bed. I shot up into a sitting position and looked around. The events of last night played out in my head.

"Fuck." I said as I spotted the sleeping form of Damon. I watched his chest move up and down with steady breaths. That was a good sign I think, he definitely looked much better than he did last night. His chest was still covered with smeared blood, but it had dried and cracked over night. I grimaced in disgust while moving my wild hair out of my face. 

I can't believe I actually did it.

I actually saved someone's life last night. A surge of pride flowed through my body, I had managed to stitch up a bullet wound. I knew I was no doctor, but that was a big deal for me, not everyone knew how to do that. My arms were sore from carrying him from last night, but I still managed to boost myself off of the ground. My feeling of pride was cut short by the fact that I had to get him out of here somehow. A shiver ran down my spine thinking of the reaction Sam would have if he saw us. I thanked God that he was at work. Damon was in no shape to get out of here covertly, so I had to get him out of the front door. A deep sigh left my body at the thought.

Damon stirred on the bed beside me muttering something I couldn't make out. I snapped my gaze from his face as his eyes started to open. That would be beyond awkward, i'm just standing here staring at him like a creep. 

"Hope?" Damon asked groggily. His brown eyes were now trained on me and from his expression I could tell how confused he was. Did he not remember last night? I know he was out of it, but damn I think I would remember getting shot and stitched up. 

"Yeah?" I asked meeting his gaze. He was about to answer when the distinctive sound of bottles banging against each other echoed through out the house. My eyes grew wide when I realized Frank was up. Fuck... this was gonna be even harder than I thought it would be.

"Please stay here...just stay." I turned my back before he could reply and shut the door to my room behind me. It would be stupid to leave it open for Frank to just happen upon the shirtless boy in my room. I cringed at my choice of words towards Damon as I made my way down the steps, I sounded like I was commanding a dog. 

I spotted Frank at the front door, he had a giant garbage bag that seemed to be the source of all the noise. I made my steps a little bit louder and Frank finally looked up at me. He paused in the doorway while he took in my appearance. I was suddenly very grateful to last night me, who had showered all the blood and grime away. 

Okay Hope, normal, you have to act normal.

"Hey Frank, whatcha doing?" I asked a little too cheerily. Frank gave me a strange look before turning around and continuing his trek towards the garbage cans out front. My attempt at sounding normal had obviously failed. Either that or Frank is hungover and not in the mood to talk. The latter made me feel a bit better so I chose to believe that. I watched him heave the large bag into the bin and walk back to the house. His gaze met mine once he got to the door and he stayed standing against the frame.

"Who were you talking to up there?" He asked quizzically. I tried to not let the panic show on my face, these damn walls were paper thin. That was dumb of me to talk normally when I knew Frank was here, you could hear just about everything that was going on where Frank was earlier. 

"I was talking to myself." I blurted out. As soon as I said I realized how stupid that sounded. 

God, i'm gonna get caught. 

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