Gym Day

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Every Thursday, Bailey and her husband Dylan go to the gym, every since their baby boy Elijah was born. Well Elijah was with Bailey's mother, Her and Dylan went to the gym for a quick workout. They were there for about a half hour, when from the corner of her eye, Bailey seen her ex Brain come in; and she was not pleased. He was the last person she wanted to see today. Bailey tries to ignore him and just continues to run on the treadmill.

Brian treated Bailey very badly when they were together. They were together for about three years before she got the courage to leave him. Brian was sleeping with a bunch of random slutty girls, always coming home late a night. Brian even hit Bailey a couple of times when he came home drunk.

"Hey baby, I'm gonna go over there and lift some weight, I'll see you in a little bit." Dylan says and kisses Bailey on the forehead before he walks away. As soon as Dylan leaves, Bailey looks over at Brian to see if he noticed her or not and just her luck; Brian was walking towards her.

"Hey Bailey, It's been a while. How have you been?" Brian says nervously. Bailey gave him a dirty look and just continued to run, but he just kept talking. You would have thought he would have taken a hint but he didn't.

"Look Bailey, I am really sorry about what happened with us. I have been thinking abut you lot lately and I really miss you. Come back to me and I promise you won't regret it this time. Bailey stopped running, and let out a little laugh.

"Are you serious?" She asked him. "It's been eight years now, and you are just NOW trying to get me back? Why? Are all the little sluts you were sleeping with get old? After everything you have done to me, I can't believe you are actually talking to me right now. If you couldn't tell by the RING ON MY FINGER, I am HAPPILY married and I honestly want nothing to do with you. I also have a little boy, and I wouldn't dare bring him around someone like you. You messed up big time and I haven't thought about you in years. Just leave me alone.

Brian's mouth dropped and he just started asking a bunch of questions. "You're married?! To who?! and you have a kid?! Since when? The questions just started spilling out of his mouth.

Bailey turned off her treadmill and turned around and pointed at Dylan who was still lifting weights. She got off the treadmill, walked over to Dylan and kissed him. Hard. She then looked at Brian, smiled and looked back at Dylan. All Brian did was stare at Bailey and Dylan with a wide mouth, grabbed him gym bag and walked out of the gym. For the rest of the time, Bailey continued to work out with Dylan well thinking about going home to see her beautiful baby boy. Since that day, She never seen Brian again.

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