138 3 2

July 28th, 2005

Quebec, Canada

40th day of tour

"Hey everyone! How are we doing today?" Gerard calls through the stage.

I smirk to myself as I watch him limping across the platform.

"Why are you limping?" One girl calls.

Gerard chuckles into the mic then looks to Frank, "We had a little bit of a rough night last night."

I swear I can hear my heart break with those words and, yeah, I know he wants to keep this secret but it still hurts horribly. It's fine... I'm fine. It's not like people would accept him and I over him and Frank.

As soon as the crowd screams, though, he looks to me and mouths out a small, "Sorry."

I only shrug.

But I can't do this.

I turn around and leave, heading back to the tour bus with tears pricking my eyes and I don't know why it's effecting me so much but it just... hurts.

"'Trick, you alright?"

My wet eyes dart up, my throat clenched from the need to cry. Pete is there, a worried look on his pale face.

"Oh my god, what happened, 'Trick?"

I choke and collapse in his arms, sobbing and just whimpering out small, "It hurt's." He pulls me close and shushes me, stroking my hair.

"You wanna go somewhere and talk about it?" He asks gently. I only nod in response, unable to reply with words and he takes me aside behind the Plain White T's' bus and looks down at me, wiping my tears, "What happened?"

"N-Nothing I-"

"Patrick." He warns me.

I sob harder. I don't want to tell him. I can't tell him, but I know I have to.

"I..." I choke, "I love him... but he doesn't love me and it just... hurts..."



He pulls me close, hugging me and shushing me gently.

"I'm just... it hurts and I wish it didn't have to be this way and... it just... Warped is almost over and I'm scared of losing him... At the same time I don't even know if he feels the same way and... I just... I don't know what to do..."

Pete sighs, "It's gonna be okay. In the end, everything will work out. Trust me."

I cry harder, shaking in his arms, "I'm afraid he doesn't love me..."

"Just try to make it through Warped. You'll get over him. It'll hurt but I'll be here for you. I promise." He sighs and holds me as the sobs slowly disappear.

"I'm sorry." I whisper, pulling away, "I'm just... I... I don't know..."

Pete swallows, "It's okay. Really. I... I've been through this before. But it's okay. You'll find someone else, you'll move on."

"Yes, really."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2019 ⏰

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