Chapter 2: The Gunfight

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Cam looked around at everyone and put a finger up to his lips signaling for everyone to be quiet. Everyone nodded and slowly backed into a corner as Cam walked towards the door, pointing his pistol to the floor. Everyone dripped with anxiety as he looked through the peephole to see the hideous torn face of a wendigo staring back at him. The group looked to the window to see if there were more than just the one. Suddenly, they all realized that their "Hit and Run" plan wouldn't work, because the wendigos were already surrounding the entire house.

Claire immediately put her hand over Harley's mouth, instinctively stifling the scream that would try to escape from the girl's lips moments after she realized what was happening.

"What the fuck Rick?! You said they were still miles away!" Cam said, somehow yelling and whispering at the same time. Rick looked panicked. "How was I supposed to know they had superhuman speed?" "Well we're fucked, any bright ideas? Anyone? I'll take anything at this point." Cam said desperately

"I've got one"

Everyone turned around to see Nathan smiling as he held up his bandolier of grenades.

Cosmic chimed in, "Oh no, hell no I do not fuck with explosives, get that shit out of here before you kill us all."

"It may be our only shot out of here though." Nathan shot back.

"I don't care, Nathan." Cosmic retaliated, her voice getting louder as this argument went on.

They turned to Cam to get a verdict from. He looked uneasy, a bit puzzled as well. Kind of like he was just given and option on whether to risk death shooting his way through a bunch of monsters or make an attempt to kill them all in one go while also endangering the lives of himself and his friends. Before he could give his answer, Rick spoke up.

"I say we try Nathan's idea, assuming that his idea is to throw grenades at the wendigos outside and not blow us up"

Nathan gave a short up and down nod.

"I agree with Rick." said Claire.

"Yeah me too." said her sister.

Soon everyone but Cosmic had given the ok to Nathan's plan.

"...Fine whatever, but I'm not happy about it."

"No one ever said you had to be." said Nathan as he pulled one of the grenades off the bandolier. He palmed it for a moment before looking at Cam, who nodded at him with a look of determination.

"Everyone down!" Cam yelled as he ran to the opposite side of the house as Nathan, and everyone quickly followed his example. Nathan pulled the pin from the grenade and threw it at the window, promptly breaking it as he dove down to where the rest of the group was. There was 3 more seconds of continuous thudding at the door and walls, and then a large explosion followed by the ungodly screeching of the wendigos as they perished. With ringing in their ears, the group looked up from the corner, making sure there were no monsters left. Everyone began to draw their weapons as they get up from their corner.

Cam and Rick grabbed the two assault rifles, and Cosmic turned around to grab the large flamethrower behind them as they crowded around the door. "Do you even know how to use that thing?" Rick asked, a bit weary of what might happen if Cosmic didn't know how to use it. But she yelled back, "Of course I do!"

They ran out and formed a circle as they had practiced, backs to each other and pointing their guns outward. A large wendigo rounded the corner and before anyone else had time to register what was happening, Cosmic lit it up with the flamethrower and Rick riddled the beast with bullets. After the first one came another, and another, and another, and soon enough they were surrounded by at least 30 or 40 of the things. They were all standing there, and for a moment they all stood frozen with dread. The creatures circling around them, mouths pulled back in a snarl, baring their disgusting fangs hidden beneath torn and tattered lips.

So there they stood, no options left but to fight. The first to act was a wendigo at the front of pack, who took a step towards the group. Cosmic yelled and lit it up with the flamethrower. This triggered the rest of the monsters and the group. There was a large mix of yelling, screeching, and snarling. The sound of gunshots and the smell of gunpowder filled the air around them. As the group was fighting off the wendigos, using everything in their arsenal to keep them at a distance, when suddenly there was a loud, high-pitched yelp and a thud on the ground.

Harley had been struck by one of the creatures. 

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