Chapter 7: The Tension

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After another half an hour of walking, they arrived at Christine's cabin. As they walked in, they noticed how nice it was. Two-stories, 4 bedrooms, large living room and kitchen, and very spacious overall.

Cam began with sleeping arrangements before anything else. "Alright there's 4 bedrooms and 8 of us, so 2 to a room. I say Nathan and Rick, Claire and Harley, Sena and Cosmic, then me and Christine. Now, Christine," He checked the cupboards and remembered their problem with food supplies. "Do you have any food we can have? Consider it repayment for stealing what little we had." Cam had meant this as a joke, but the awkward pause before her response suggested she took it otherwise.

"Yes of course, make yourselves at home, there's plenty in the fridge, Chris and I always stocked up well when we came up here. However I don't consider it repayment, more like a kind deed. You did loot my boyfriend's dead body."

Cam narrowed his eyebrows at her, choosing not to get into it, considering the hospitality she had just given them.

The rest of the group scrambled towards the kitchen and began making and eating whatever they could find. Eggs, bacon, ham, cereal, soup, they hadn't had a full meal in so long. They forgot what all this good food tasted like. After all their plates were full, they sat together at the long dining room table.

"So, everyone, how are we on ammunition? It's been two nights since the wendigos attacked, and when they regroup they're going to hit us, hard. So what do we have?" Cam asked.

Just like at their old cabin, everyone held up fingers. It seemed like everyone had full mags with little to spare.

"Y'know, Chris was something of a gun enthusiast. He has some in his closet if you'd like to take a look." Christine said, coming into the room in a full set of clean clothes. Her face had been scrubbed and hair washed and she looked like a completely different person than the one they had stumbled upon.

"Really? Yes that'd be great." Cam said. Cam and Christine stood up from the table to go and see whatever munitions were in the closet. While they were gone, a conversation started amongst the rest of the group.

After Cam and Christine had left, Rick turned to Harley, "Harls, come with me for a sec, I needa ask you something." Harley got up with Rick and they continued upstairs.

Cosmic's, Sena's, and Nathan's eyes followed the two as they walked up the stairs.

"Wonder where they're going." Nathan commented

"Doesn't matter to me, they're probably making out or something. What I care about is all this talk about Christine stealing from us, what'd she steal?" Cosmic asked.

"She stole some grenades from me as well as food from Rick." Nathan replied.

"That's where your grenades went?!" Sena exclaimed, piecing things together."

"Yeah. That's why I'm a bit uneasy around her. If she stole from us and saw us steal from her boyfriend, that means she's probably been following us for a while, maybe since the last fight with the wendigos. It was certainly loud enough to attract attention. On top of that, she might be seeking revenge." Nathan said, speaking in a hushed voice.

"Well then we should stay vigilant." Sena stated, pulling out her gun, methodically fiddling with the trigger.

"Well hold it right there," said Claire, "We don't know that she wants to kill us, she did bring us into her house after all."

Before they could continue talking about it, Cam, and Christine returned holding a multitude of weaponry. Two pistols, another revolver, a lever action rifle, a few knives, and more ammo than they might ever need.

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