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Jamal was on the team and I was happy for him but I could not bring myself to actually look happy

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Jamal was on the team and I was happy for him but I could not bring myself to actually look happy. I was currently in the Martinez household waiting for it to be time to go to the game. In the house was the whole fam acting like they normally would but I couldn't I wasn't capable of acting like I always did.

Wandering eyes met mine those eyes that always brought a smile to my face. Yet, this time I looked away as quickly as I could. As they sat there smiling at Jamal's stupidity I sat there being angry at the world. My feet did the unthinkable they ran to bathroom. Tears slowly raced they're way down my cheeks.

Why can't I act like myself? Why do I feel like the world is against me? Why do I feel this pain everywhere? I wish I could just disappear for a day or two. The knock made me realize that I wasn't alone. "Hey Tori are you ok in there" his voice always soothed me but right now I need more than Ruby's voice to forget what I saw with my own eyes.

I opened the door as tears still slid there way down from my eyes. My lips immediately attached to Ruby's. I wanted to feel something other than pain. I wanted to forget the blood running down from Cohen side. I want to feel safe I always felt safe with Ruby.

The kiss was clumsy It was desperate mostly in my part. My tears slowly wetting his cheeks. We slowly separated as I hugged him tightly placing my head softly in his shoulder. My sobs slowly getting louder now that they weren't muffled by Ruby's lips. " I don't know who I am anymore please help me" my voice cracked with every word.

His palm slowly going from the top on my head to the middle of my back. "Hey just look at me. Breath" his eyes analyzing every part of me. His eyes meet my baggy eyes then analyzed my bruised skin and disheveled hair. There he noticed every little thing that was wrong with me.

"What aren't you telling me Victoria" I could met his eyes if I did he would read me like a book. "I'm ok it was just a bad day" my voice a mere whisper my gaze still not meeting his.

"Stop telling me you are okay" his hand reaching toward my hair. He slowly put some loose strands back. "I know you Victoria Gonzales, you are the girl that laughs at everything and your laugh lights up everyone. When you aren't laughing something is wrong. I know that when your skin isn't glowing that perfect tan it means something wrong. I know that when your lips are chapped something is wrong. I know that when you are whining about not having chips something is wrong. I know you tori and I know when you aren't you so stop shutting me out".

I was speechless how did he know every little thing. It was strange how he noticed these small details. "I just want to run away for a minute will you come with me" my eyes finally meeting his. He seemed confused but lenient to my crazy idea.

"Should we tell the others" his hand reaching the knob but my own blocking him from going out of it. "No let them wonder it won't be much like running away if we tell everyone" my sinister smile making him look even more confused. "Just follow me Ruben" my voice sounding raspy as I pulled myself out a window.

Ruben in the other hand fell out the window. "Was that supposed to hurt?" His face scrunched in pain. I helped him up while laughing. He patted the dirt off himself.
Third person pov
"The old record store nice Tori thanks for bringing me to this old junk" she rolled her eyes at his sarcasm. The fam hated coming here but this record store was special place. It made her feel comfortable a place where she could be herself.

"Stop being rude Ruben and enjoy" She quickly ran into the record player. Corey the cashier waved at her then went back to what she previously was doing. Tori played some soft music while swaying her body closing her eyes feeling the music. Ruby just started at her with amazement not really knowing what to do he didn't dance. She took off her shoes tapping then slowly on the floor. "Come here silly",Tori grabbed him by the shoulders.

Tori was always a few inches smaller than Ruben. She stepped on his toes as he carried her slowly around the store. At first Ruby was trying his hardest to dance his best. "Hey losen up mr. tense a lot just dance like no one is watching" She stepped down shaking and spinning around. He joined her doing whatever the hell you want to call what he was doing.

They both felt safe with each other and they both realized it at that same time as they danced recklessly. She pulled them down into a couch as they laugh and rushed to catch their breath. He kept his gaze on her and she looked at him. "Please kiss me" she whispered and he obeyed grabbing her face and devouring each other. 

They pulled away but there foreheads still leaning softly on each other. "Explain to me why do I feel so safe with you like I could defeat my biggest fears by having you at my side" she whispered her lips brushing his with every movement. "I have no idea but I feel completely the same" they embraced each other forgetting the world was a thing for a minute or so.

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