2-"Getting to Know"

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After that everything came to a calm halt. Bakugou seemed to have dropped the subject and went to do something. I walked up to red-head, because so far i've just been calling him red-head. "Hey, sharky." I say. Red-head turns to me "Oh- hi (L/n)!" he says, smiling. "What's your name?" I ask, looking down at him. "Ah! It's Kirishima! Kirishima Eijirou!" He says, never dropping his smile. "That's a cute name." I mutter, my eyes lidding slightly. "A-ah. Thanks.." He murmurs softly, going stiff. "Hnmmmm.." I groan, leaning forward and putting my hands in my pockets, my eyes fully lidding. What sweet peace and quiet... Ah...







"FUCKING DEKUU!!!" Hah, knew it'd be interupted eventually. Wait, was that a fucking explosion? I turn around to see a boy with extremely fluffy green hair quivering in fear (who seemed to have fallen to the ground) as low and behold, Bakugou stood strong in front of him. "Woah! Bakugou!" Kirishima shout, scrambling up to the duo. I groaned and followed behind. I grabbed Kirishima's shoulder and held him back, going up myself. I stood in between the two. "The fuck's your problem?!' Bakugou asked, stomping forward. I let out a fake cough and rolled my eyes before reconnecting them with the crimson glare. "Leave the boy alone." I say firmly. Bakugou raises an eyebrow "Like hell I would! Now beat it, tall-ass!" Bakugou growls, walking towards me menacingly. Hey i'm not that tall--. I fight the urge to roll my eyes and stare intensley at Bakugou. Wait for it.... waaaiittt for iiiiiitt.... Ah hah! The image appeared. I sigh. "You are relaxed." Bakugou's figure lazes and he lets out a gentle sigh. "You will leave-" fuck what's his name- ahm, he screamed deku, right? Yeah. "-Deku alone for the rest of the day. When I clap, you will awaken and forget I ever hypnotized you." I finish it with a clap. Bakugou blinks, looking around before glaring at me. "The hell you lookin' at, weirdo?" He scoffs before walking off. I sigh and turn to Deku who looked relieved.

"You ok?" I asked, holding out my hand. The boy reluctantly grabbed my hand and I heaved him up. "A-ah... Y-yeah.." he mutters, looking at the ground. "It's only day one and i've used my quirk on Bakugou twice now." I murmur. "You what?!" Bakugou turned and glared at me "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!" He cried stomping back towards me. I groan. I look into his eyes AGAIN and do the whole shitty process. Blah blah, you forgot what I said, blahhh. Afterwards I turn back to Deku "Make that three." I muttered, slightly annoyed. He chuckles nervously "Ahm, my names Midoriya Izuku... Kacchan just calls me 'Deku'. A-ah! You can still call me that if you want! No problem!" Dek-ah-Midoriya stutters. I shrug "Meh, it's cool.". I reach a hand and comb it through Midoriya's green locks. It was soft and fluffy, like petting a kitten. "U-uhh." I look down "Your hair is as soft as expected." I say, retreating my hand "Haha... Right..." he murmurs, drifting his eyes back to the floor.

Guess (F/n) wasn't wrong. There are pretty interesting people here.

Kirishima came up "Dang, you must be annoyed for having to use your quirk so much.." he chuckled nervously. "Hey, kiri, open up." I say, grabbing hold of his face. "Wha-?" "Open your mouth." "Ahm-... ok?" Kirishima opened his mouth hesitantly. I used my dominant hand to pry his mouth open a bit more and reached with the other hand, gently poking his teeth. The thumb from my dominant hand slid Kirishima's upper lip upwards slightly, exposing his gums. I continued to examine his fangs, curiosity filling my mind. After a moment or two, I released him and smiled to myself. "Interesting set of teeth you got there." I say. Kirishima held a hand to his mouth, looking at me with a red face. "U-uh... Y-yeah..." he murmured, looking away. "Hey, Kirishima, can you send me that- oh, hey (L/n)." An electric kid approaches. Ahem. Or should I say,

I snicker at my own joke

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I snicker at my own joke. "Hey," I respond. "My names Denki Kaminari, nice to meet you properly." He says, holding out his hand. "I'm afraid you'll shock me." I say with an oh so definitely afraid voice. Denki snickered and retreated his hand. "HmNnn..." I mutter, examining Denki. "You look huggable." I randomly say. Denki raises an eyebrow and smiles "Huh? I look huggable? Didn't you just say you were afraid i'd shock you?" he says, smirking. "Ah, does it look like I meant it?" I ask, reaching in with my hands and grabbing hold of Denki's hands gently, pulling them up to my chest. His face flushes as he looks away slowly "Eheheh...." he laughs softly, his hands going stiff. "I still stand by that huggable thing." I remind. Denki shoots his eyes back at me "Hah! Not today," He says, yanking his hands from my grip and speed walking away. I smirk and follow behind. "A-ah...." Midoriya murmurs, walking away. Kirishima smiles and watches them speed walk around the class.

Robo-bitch puts his hand in the air, about to do the motions, before being cut off by me "Ah! We're not running. We're speedily walking. We ain't breaking any rules." I say, putting my finger up to silence the boy. He puts his arm down and closes his mouth awkwardly, his eyebrows furrowing. I smile and continue to 'chase' Denki. Wow, at least I know we'll get along together. Finally, I wrap my arms around Denki's waist from behind, resting my head on his shoulder. "Got youuu..." I utter, squeezing him slightly.

He laughs silently. "Congrats, man" he says, pulling against my grip. I tighten it "Ahh, no leaving... You are huggable, and it's nicemnnn....". I could feel Denki stiffen in my embrace "Gnhhhmmm.... when you're stiff you're not as huggable. How can I soften you?" I ask, raising my head. "By letting me go." He says, chuckling. "Gahhhhh...." I groan, holding him tighter. I turn him around and look into his pure gold eyes. He looks back, confused, and then! Ah yes the image. "You are relaxed." Denki goes from his stiff figure to a lazy one, his shoulders sagging. "You will allow me to hug you, and you will stay huggable. You'll only stop when I say the word "canyon". I don't really care if you remember I hypnotized you or not. When I clap, you'll awaken." I hazily clapped and Denki shifted a bit. "Heyyyyy!" He shouts. "Woah, this is weird." he mutters, still huggable like wanted. "I can't go stiff-" he murmurs "that's the point, my dear." I whisper, closing my eyes and laying my head on his shoulder again. "Wooh! (L/n), Denki, I wouldn't expect you two to get along so darn fast!" Kirishima says. "Gahh I don't want to!" Denki responds "I can't even pull out of his grip because i'm supposed to 'allow him to hug me'". Kirishima laughs and taps my shoulder. I lift my head up. "Ah," I mutter letting go of Denki and stepping closer to Kirishima. He smiled up at me, making my stomach feel light. I lean down slightly "You have a really cute smile, y'know?" I say gently. Kirishima's face flushes "Ah! It's not supposed to be cute! It's supposed to be manly!" Kirishima says defeatedly, laughing. "Ah, well, then it's really manly. And your laugh is manly as well." I smile softly. "HaHahahHHhahaahajjhd" Kirishima turns away, holding his face. D'aww... I turn back around. ... Pikachu has fled.


"Haha! You have a crush on (L/n) don't you?" Mina laughs, smiling wide. "No! It's only his first day. We can never be sure on a first day!" Kirishima replies, crossing his arms. "Righht... If it makes you feel any better, I think (L/n) is pretty finnneeeee~" Mina winks and Kirishima blushes again.

-Obtained 1.

Kirishima Eijirou has joined your party!

Loves (L/n) (Y/n)

-Kirishima Eijirou

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