9-"Lovely Hamster"

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I click my tongue as I read over the homework that was handed out. I'm not doing it.

My phone buzzes. It's just a text from (F/n). I sigh and push the homework off my bed, kicking my legs onto the bed and leaning back against one of my pillows, beginning to text (F/n).

"so. last day of your first week is tomorrow." (F/n) sends. "yeah. it was pretty eventful." "did you make any friieenndss?" "i think so. i got people like midoriya, bakugou, todoroki, and toru" "Some of those kids sound familiar 🤔🤔🤔" "I dunno" I roll my eyes and smirk "well i should go to sleep. im tired as fuck." "oh? are you sure its not because of your bedtime? for schoool?""fuck you im tired. goodbye." "peace"

I turn off my phone and slide it onto the bedside, pulling the covers over myself and turning onto my side, humming quietly. It doesn't take long for me to doze off.

When I wake up, i'm extremely tired. More tired than usual, but i've already committed to this hell forsaken school, so I must rise. I sit up and stretch, groaning before wiping my eyes of any blurriness. Once I've properly woken up, I stand and collect my uniform, before grabbing my towel and heading to the bathroom.

Once I arrive, I drop the uniform and towel on the toilet seat and strip of my clothes. I'm quickly nude and I turn on the shower, putting it at my desired temperature before getting in. I begin to wash.

It's relaxing, really. It also wakes me up, so that's a bonus.

Anyway, when i've finished cleansing myself, I get out of the shower, not before turning it off, and grab my towel, drying myself off. I ruffle my hair with the towel to dry it before dropping it on the floor and putting on my uniform. When it's on I take myself to the mirror and begin to brush my teeth. That task is swiftly done and I fix up my hair a bit. Once all that is over with I take a few checks in the mirror before confirming I look fine and taking my towel and heading back to the bedroom.

I arrive at my bedroom and hang my towel up. I don't even bother putting the undone homework in my bag. I sling my bag over my shoulder and grab my phone, stuffing it in my pocket before heading to the main part of my house.

I arrive and turn to go into my kitchen. I grab two frozen waffles from the freezer and put them into the toaster, turning it on. I'm not feeling anything extravagant for breakfast today. Like I ever. The waffles pop up and I take them, beginning to eat them as I go to the front door and slip my shoes on.

And once everything is said and done, I exit my house and head to school. Cue the fucking long-ass walk to school.

I'll spare you the details, it took a long time to get to school, let alone class. I sit at my desk and close my eyes. Even though I fully woke up from that shower, I don't want to put up with this, so I just let myself sleep.

I was awake for long enough to hear Aiziwa go around and collect homework. From the sounds of his footsteps, he skipped me.

Time Skip

I wake up to some tapping on my shoulder and a clearly energetic voice. I lean up, rubbing my eyes as I groan. "Wha-? Who-?" I look around, my sight fuzzy as it slowly adjusts. I then meet the eyes of a brunette. Ochaco, actually. I learnt her name- from somewhere.

"Heyy." I say, my voice raspy. "Hi, (L/n)!" She smiles "It's lunch." she gestures to the door with her head "I was wondering if you wanted to sit with me and my friends?" she asks. "Oh. Sure." I stand up. (+1) She smiles and gestures for me to follow her as she turns and exits the classroom. I do just that and we head into the hall.

On our commute to the canteen, we catch up to her friends, who are Midoriya, Todoroki, and robo-bitch. Two familiar faces and two people to get close to, fantastic!

We arrive at the cafeteria and take a seat at a table, one beside another that consisted of Bakugou, Kirishima, Denki, and the other two. I didn't have anything to eat so admiring their food, which was surprisingly amazing-looking considering it was a teenage lunch, was all I could do. "I'm glad you were able to sit with us, (L/n)!" Ochaco exclaims and I quickly look at her and flash her a grin. (+1) Midoriya nods profusely, going on his own spiel about how he was pleased I chose to sit at this particular table. Sir acceleration calves wasn't very fond of me, mainly from my first impression. I'm sure I can get around to him though. "I'm happy to be here." I say. As soon as we're done with that, they all get into their eating.

We obviously talk, that's sort of what you do with friends at lunch. I try to talk to engine legs most, just wanna get on his good side. Or at least his neutral side. However, the lovely hamster decides to converse with me and I'd whole heartedly rather talk to her than this steel limb. (+1)

We talk about typical things that I usually would zone out from. When talking about things like heroes or something, I try to think of ways to appease other variation of teasing name for Iida's quirk without losing parts of me that literally define me. "So why don't you want to be a hero?" Ochaco asks. I quickly look at her again. Why don't I want to be a hero? Because I'm a criminal. Okay, well that's why I can't be a hero. Why I don't want to be a hero is a different subject. "I just don't think I... qualify." I say, smiling sheepishly. "Nooo! You absolutely qualify! There's so many reasons why you'd be an amazing hero!" Ochaco says, trying to cheer me up. "Thanks, sweetheart. You definitely qualify more though, hehehe. You've got more passion than I'll ever have.." (+1) I say, resting my head on my hand. She just smiles warmly.

My stomach growls and I wince. I had waffles, why is my body being stupid. Ochaco seems to notice my strain. "Are you okay?" She asks as I sort of recoil from the stinging in my stomach. "Yup, just hungry. Thought I could last the day with two toastable waffles." I chuckle. Ochaco is quick to pick up a bit of her fish. "Do you want some of my food?" She asks, gently waving her food about. I shake my head. "No, it's okay, you got that for yourself." I try to protest, but she shakes her head. "Please, I insist! I dont want you to be hungry!" She has her fish pointed towards me. I shrug and lean down, taking the fish right from her chopsticks. (+1) She exclaims a bit in surprise, pushing her container of food over to me and handing me her chopsticks. "Here ya go!" She says, her cheeks pinker than usual. I smirk and reluctantly eat from her lunch. "This is really good! Send my compliments to the chef!" (1+) I wink at her. She doesn't respond other than with a bright and cheesy smile and I resume eating as she watches. I'm not looking at her, but I can feel her watching. I don't mind, she's just lucky I don't charge.

Ochaco Uraraka (Love Points=6)
Todoroki Shoto (Love Points=5)

Loves (L/n) (Y/n)

Kirishima Ejirou (Love Points=9)
Midoriya Izuku (Love Points=8)
Bakugou Katsuki (Love Points=11)
Toru Hagakure (Love Points=8)

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