The Longest Four Years

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"Come on you guys I give up you can come out now!"Loki lets out a little frustrated sigh as Thor and Y/n come out giggling

"Better luck next time little brother"Thor chuckled out which made Loki very annoyed. Did his brother always have to be better at everything.

"Come on Loki its just a game" Y/n reassured him. This made him relax a bit, Y/n had always had that effect on him always there to sooth his emotions.

"Y/n!!" you hear your mother call from across the courtyard

"Coming mother!"you turn back to both the princes "don't worry Ill be back soon, until then I bid you both farewell" you give them both a hug and a smile before you trod off after your mother.

4 years later

"y/n are you excited to see Loki and Thor again?" your father ask softly. It had been so long since you last saw them. It wasnt anyones fault, royal duties got in the way of your childhood along with the princes. You were all going through different training getting prepared to take your responsibilities some sooner and some later.

"Yeah I just wish it didnt take four years to finally see them again," this was an ongoing argument between you and your parents, they always seemed to send you into lesson after lesson. It was as if they were trying to push you to insanity, if you didnt get any time away from the long and painful lessons you swore you'd rip your hair out.

"Y/n weve already had this discussion over and over again. You're getting older and with getting older comes..."

"Great responsibilities I Know, I know," you interrupt getting a little agitated that they keep forcing things on you.

Your father opened his mouth to speak again but before he could say anything the coach man piped up

"Sir we have arrived."

He then nods, "Thank you." he turned back and whispered "We will discuss this later," this made you cringe at the thought of your father yelling at you again. Soon After your parents stepped out of the carriage you let out a breath that you didnt know you were holding. You sigh one last time and elegantly exit the carriage. It was as if you never left. Everything seemed to be the same, beautiful and expensive.

As the guards escorted you and your parents towards the throne room it brought back so many memories of the young princes. So many special moments you hold dear to your heart, you smile to yourself just thinking back on them. You had been so lost in your daydream you hadn't realised that you had reached the throne room doors. Your parents had already been announced and entered the room. This made your stomach do summersaults you hadnt seen the princes in four years.

"Ahem...I am pleased to announce the lovely princess Y/n Y/l/n"

The large doors swing open to reveal the Allfather and the Allmother sitting on their thrones and right next to them my two childhood freinds. All of a sudden all the eyes in the room turn towards me. A wave of nervousness washes over me and I start to over think everything, oh my gods why are they looking at me like this? Do I have something on my face or maybe I got mud on my dress? In a nervous habit I look down to make sure there is nothing wrong with me.

Frigga stands and makes her way over to me,"Oh my dear you look so magnificent, so much more mature"

She gives you a welcomingly hug, this makes you a little less tense since Frigga felt like a second mother to you especially since you spent most of your childhood living on Asgard. While you were being welcomed by Frigga you hadnt noticed the two princes unable to take their eyes off of you. You had definitely matured in more ways than one.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2019 ⏰

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