part 42 | torture

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(Third Person POV)




After punch, after kick & even after slaps, Kyoshu had to endure as the villains bounded her hands in a similar fashion they did to Bakugou but made sure she was still wearing her gloves to make sure she doesn't use her quirk to break free. After a strong kick to her gut, Kyoshu spat out blood & leaned forward in pain, she groaned out before throwing her head back & looking up at the ceiling. She let out a grunt when she felt someone grab a fist full of her hair & made her look up, she grimaced, it was Reiner

"I never would've thought someone like you would be a traitorous villain..." she then spat the blood out that pooled up in her mouth again to the side of her, a smudge just getting on Reiner's cheek, he winched & let her hair go, making her fall forward

"Argh, disgusting." she gave him a weak toothy grin

"... cheers." he growled & punched her across the face, causing her to spit out more blood "C-Come on, I just have so m-much blood..." Annie clicked her tongue as she leaned against the wall near the door

"So snarky, don't you realize the position you're in?" she only rolled her eyes

"I'm... trying to stay o-optimistic, cause I know A-All Might is gonna kick you & the League of Villain's asses... I count on it, bit--" she was cut off when Annie kicked her in the gut, that attack almost made Kyoshu throw up but she swallowed it down & gasped for air, this winded her greatly

"Just shut your trap, & maybe we'll go a little easier on you." she let her face hang low before raising it slightly, her bangs moving away ever so slightly so her magenta right eye could glare at them, this shocked & scared the both of them, the glare she was giving them resembled a blood thirsty beast that was out for blood

"Now why would I want you to go easy on me, huh?" she chuckled darkly "Just you wait until I get these chains off me, then you'll be sorry..." her body finally gave out & she passed out, the duo hadn't realized they held in their breaths until someone pushed open the door, that made them both jump out of their skins, the culprit chuckled darkly

"Scared of a 15 year old, pathetic." Dabi laughed again "You're grown adults, you shouldn't be getting scared by a mere child." the two roll their eyes at the unwanted visitor

"Coming from the guy who's clone got their ass kicked by her." Reiner retorted

"Coming from the guy who got their ass kicked by her numerous times." he shot back then looked at Annie "Same with you, she held back with you but she did a number on you big nose." Annie glared at him

"Tsk, whatever."

"Can't handle the truth I see." Annie rolled her eyes before kicking the door open & leaving with Reiner slowly following behind, slamming the door shut behind him. Dabi moved to the motionless girl then slowly made his way towards her, he reaches his hand out to her then slowly caressed it "... Shouto seems to be very fond of you, Takeyama Kyoshu..."


Vlad King was the one that called it in, & 15 minutes after the villains fled the ambulance & fire fighters arrived. Of the 41 students who were present, 15 were rendered unconscious by the villains' gas attack. They're still in critical condition. 12 sustained injures both minor & crave, 13 were unscathed &... 2 student's whereabouts are still unknown. Of the 6 pro heroes, 1 is in critical condition from head trauma & the whereabouts about another are unknown, though she left a large pool of blood at the scene

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