Chapter 1

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Raven Reyes
It was 7:30 a.m. , Raven sighed getting out of bed while looking at herself in the mirror, she was a wreck. Her hair was going everywhere from her bedhead, and had bags under her eyes from working nonstop at her shop. She decided to get a shower to clean up and look presentable to speak with a possible client. Raven had to be at work by 9:30, so she had 1 hour and a half to get ready. She decided to go with some leather jeans and a crop top. Along with her leather jacket and combat boots. She took a shower and straightened her hair and got dressed, then left for work. She decided to ride her Yamaha YZF-R3 to work. She also stopped by Starbucks for a caramel macchiato. She was at work by 9 with half an hour to spare so she waited for the client, eventually dozing off.

Luna Flokru
Luna woke up 10 minutes late, groaning while getting up. She didnt need to take a shower so she got dressed. She picked out a army crop top, leather jacket, jeans, and some boots.
She had to leave at 8:45 in order to get there on time do she had to leave within the next 10 minutes. Not having her hair fixed she grabbed a hat a left, taking her black Camry to meet with the interviewer. She got to the shop at 9:15 and walked in finding a beautiful Hispanic girl about her age, sleeping. She gently shoke her awake and actually saw how beautiful she was. She had these brown eyes you could get lost in, brown hair down to her back, and she even looked cute sleepy.

Raven sleepily asked, "Are you here for the 9:30 consult?", yawning in the process then apologizing quickly.

She could only nod, while momentarily getting lost in her eyes. Only to be brought back to reality when her name was asked. She quickly said, " Luna, Luna Flokru." The Latina adds her name, Raven.

Raven is lightly shaken and she starts to get up. She apologizes and when she looks up is blown away. The girl in front of her is beautiful. Big curly hair, big brown eyes, and full lips. We stare at each other for a good couple of minutes taking in each other's features. Raven quickly snaps out of her daze and asks her name, Luna Flokru. She adds her name. Noticing the time Raven asked if she wanted to go to her office and start the interview. Raven was now nervous and she didnt know why. She had butterflies in her stomach, and she never gets butterflies. When they go into her office they accidently brush shoulders and they both get a tingly sensation in the spot they touched each other. They start the interview and when it ends raven is liking Luna even more.

She was still staring whenever Raven asks about the interview. She realizes that she forgot about her interview. On they way there she accidentally hit her arm and it tingles. She's never had that happen before. She's even more nervous. She doesn't know what the tingles mean, but she enjoys it alot. Once the interview starts all nervousness is gone.

"So what are you looking for today, Luna?", Raven asks.

"Well, I'm a boat captain, and I was looking for someone who could fix up my old boat engine. Seeing as I have gotten a lot of requests to go to Reyes Repair Shop, I figured I would. And I'm glad I did.", Luna says winking at the end causing Raven to blush. She tries covering the blush, which causes Luna to giggle.

Raven thinks to herself of how Luna made her blush so easily. No one has ever made blush before, its nearly impossible. And yet her giggle sounds like heaven. When she looks up shes confused as to why she's looking at her like that, so she gives her a sideways glance. " What?", she says. Luna smiles then laughs, Ravens breathe hitches. Luna just says," You said the last part out loud." Raven freezes, She doesn't do anything only turning a bright shade of crimson. Which causes Luna to laugh even harder, causing both to laugh hysterically. When Luna hears what Raven says about her giggle she blushes. Hearing Raven's laugh her heart skips a beat. Their interview goes off without a hitch and soon are planning for a night out on the town.

Raven's beyond excited to be going out with Luna. They're going out at 10 and it's already 7:30, so She starts getting ready. She straightens her hair, and does her makeup. She goes for a smokey eye and red lipstick. She then decides to wear a red dress that cuts off mid thigh, with a leather jacket, and some red heels. She's ready by 9:45 and waits for Luna pick her up.

Luna can't control herself. She can't believe Raven agreed to this. She decides to wear a white long sleeve button down, some black slacks, and black dress shoes. She fixes her hair into a low bun and puts on her rings and watch. She leaves by 9:30 to pickup Raven. She gets to Ravens by 9:45. She walks up sweating a little and knocks. When the door is opened she can't breathe, or that's what it seemed like. Raven looked amazing in that dress. Every curve of her body was hugged perfectly, the right amount of cleavage, and her legs were very toned, almost too perfectly. She was dazed for awhile, so long Raven had to yell her name to get her attention. When Luna looked up she said,"Raven you look amazing, which I'm not surprised." Which caused her to blush so deeply. Raven grabbed her things and they set off.

As soon as Raven came down she heard someone knock on the door. She opened the door. Raven was speechless, literally speechless. Luna was wearing a white long sleeve button down, black slacks, and black dress shoes. She had her hair pulled back into a low bun and had a watch and rings on.  It took a while before anyone said anything. Luna spoke first saying"Raven you look amazing, which I'm not surprised." Which made Raven blush. Then they left. In the car nobody spoke, or tried to at least, they sat in comfortable silence.

Next chapter will be about what happens at the bar.😆 Hope you've enjoyed it so far. This is my first fanfic so I'm pretty sure it's horrible. Thanks for reading, update soon.

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