chapter seven

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OLIVIA DID NOT leave with her son as soon as she thought she would, after the death of the Harvelle's. She had told Bobby the week after would be when she would leave, but she couldn't bring herself to just yet, and Noah seemed to actually be getting comfortable in the old house.

He passed his time reading books and watching shows. He happened to have a few schoolbooks with him when they arrived at Bobby's all that time ago, and Olivia tried to play teacher for him and go over things he had yet to learn in the textbooks.

The boys came and went on all kinds of cases, still attempting to find a solution to getting rid of the devil, who Olivia could hardly believe was actually real. She had seen many things in her time hunting with the boys, but apparently they have come up against a boatload of new monsters that she never knew could be real.

On the slim chance that they would actually get to sleep at Bobby's between cases, Dean would make flirtatious remarks at Olivia, especially when she would heal him up from a case where he was wounded. However, he said nothing of their last kiss and her promise to continue it afterwards. They had just lost some dear friends, so it was not brought up, as they were grieving.


On this particular winter morning, Olivia wakes up early, heading downstairs to start the coffee if Bobby hasn't already. He's most likely still asleep, though.

Given the noises from the kitchen, Olivia assumes he is awake and moving around in there; she can hear the gentle cluttering of dishes. Attempting to rub the sleep from her eyes, still barely awake, she walks into the kitchen. "Morning, Bobby-" she stops abruptly in her steps and gapes at the sight, for it is not Bobby making all the noise in the kitchen, but a woman.

"You aren't Bobby," Olivia says groggily, very confused. The woman turns around, a small smile on her very pale face. "Who are you?"

"Olivia!" Bobby suddenly rolls into the room with his wheelchair. "I wasn't expecting you to be awake this early. I've told you about my wife, Karen, haven't I?" Olivia blinks slowly, still very confused.

"Your... dead wife?" She asks. Then turning to find 'Karen' watching the two of them. Olivia chuckles awkwardly. "I'm.. sorry. Bobby, can I speak to you in the other room?" She tries not to be rude to 'Karen', even though she's having a hard time believing it is her.

When they are out of 'Karen's' earshot, Olivia confronts Bobby: "How is she alive? I thought you told me she was killed by a demon?" She exclaims in a whisper-yell.

"Listen, kid, I know it sounds crazy—" Bobby starts. Olivia makes a noise in obvious agreement. "But you need to give me the benefit of the doubt on this one, please. You don't know what's it's like, to get someone back after so long, someone you loved."

Olivia sighs but does not say anything. His words struck something in her, but she does not tell him that this time at Bobby's has given her exactly those feelings; the way she feels for Dean is complicated, but it's somewhat relatable to Bobby's situation.

"Fine," she says. "As long as we're not in danger."


The boys return a few days after that happened, but only briefly, as there seems to be a case in town, one where a dead guy came to life and committed murder. "What, the – the Benny Sutton thing? That's what this is about?" Bobby tells them in the living room in response to their questioning. I refrain from saying anything to the boys about Karen.

"You knew about this?" Dean asks impatiently. Olivia walks into the room with two beers for the boys, hoping they'll stay a while. She walks to Sam, hands him one with a small smile. He thanks her with a small smile of his own. When she walks to Dean to hand him the other one, they give each other a look. The tension between them seems to only get worse whenever they are around each other.

"Hell, yes. I checked into it already. There's nothing here," Bobby tells them.

"Except a witness who saw a dead guy commit murder," Sam reiterates. I watch the boys talk, keeping quiet.

"What witness? Digger Wells?"

"Yeah. So?" Dean asks.

"So, he's a drunk."

"Well, what about the lightning storms? They look like omens," Sam points out.

"Except in February in South Dakota in storm season. Guys, I thought it was something, too. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar," Bobby explains, trying to get them to leave the case alone. Olivia has a feeling she wants them to leave it alone so he can continue to be with his wife. She can't imagine how difficult it must be for him.

"So who killed the guy?" Sam asks.

"Take your pick. This Benny Sutton guy was a grade-a son of a bitch. There's a list of the living a year long wouldn't mind putting a cap in his ass."

"So, you're telling us... nothing?" Dean looks at Bobby incredulously.

Bobby shrugs. "Sorry. Looks like you wasted a tank of gas on this one."

After a couple hours, the Winchesters are preparing to leave again. Though Bobby doesn't exactly want them around at the moment, for not wanting to admit what's going on, Olivia feels a pang in her chest knowing they are about to leave again after just having arrived.

"You know, that tank of gas wasn't totally wasted," the blonde says, after Bobby has gone back into the kitchen and left her alone with the Winchesters. "I miss seeing you guys; you're gone so much now." She doesn't specifically say this to Dean, but to both of them, which is true, but more so for the elder of the two, which she won't admit to him.

"You are welcome to join us whenever you want," Dean tells her. "It'll feel like old times."

Olivia sighs. "I don't know if I should risk that now, what with Noah and all."

"That's totally understandable," Sam says. "We just need to come by more. You've been a huge help to us by being here to help Bobby. I don't know how we could ever thank you. It really means a lot."

Olivia smiles at him, feeling happy at his words. "I'm happy to be here." Then her eyes meet Dean's, and he seem to be closer then he was before. His eyes flicker down a few inches, and Olivia turns her head down, her face warm.

"I'll meet you in the car," Sam tells Dean, patting him on the shoulder before walking out the door with his duffel bag.

"So.." Dean starts, somewhat awkwardly. Olivia lifts her head back up, her cheeks still pink. "You missed me huh?" He teases, and she rolls her eyes, though still embarrassed. "It's okay, you've been living with Bobby for a while, that would make anyone go crazy." Olivia laughs lightly.

"I may be a lot of things, Dean, but crazy isn't one of them," she tells him. "And yes..." He looks at her again. "I did miss you." He pursues his lips together. "I have for a long time," she admits in a low voice. They just look at each other for a few moments, both full of emotion, before they simultaneously smash their lips together in a fiery kiss, both of them releasing a fraction of their pent up feelings.

Olivia wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him closer, while his hands find her waist to do the same. It feels.. wonderful. To Olivia it feels like they haven't missed a beat; there is just as much passion between them now as there was when they were teenagers.

Outside, Sam presses the horn on the car, attempting to get Dean to hurry it up. The Eder Winchester groans as he pulls away from Olivia, both of their faces are flushed and lips swollen from the intense kissing. "I'm sorry," he says. "I'll be back." He holds her a moment longer by the waist, touching a finger to her bottom lip, wanting to do it again, wanting to do more.

With one more small peck on the cheek, Dean turns away from her and walks out the door.

"Told ya," Bobby's voice comes from behind Olivia after the boys left. "You two were definitely making eyes at each other."

A/N: ugH they are so cute 😩

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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