Seven - An Eventful First Day

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A/N - Just to clarify, it is the year 848 so it is still 2 years until the year 850 which is when Eren and the rest of the 104th cadet corps graduate.

The Year 848

2 and a half years have passed.

I was accepted into the cadets and I endured gruelling training for almost three years, all so that I could eventually see what lay beyond the walls. So I could finally do something that would make my family proud.

I had changed so much as time had passed, I was stronger, mentally and physically, but my personality remained the same.

I had inherited kindness from my mother, and I didn't allow training for the Survey Corps to squeeze it out of me. I couldn't, otherwise, all I had left her would be gone.

I wasn't running and hiding anymore. Now I was running straight at the enemy, at full speed.

For the first time in my life, I felt alive.

It was dark outside. I was stood in ranks with my fellow cadets that I had trained with.

We were finally graduating.

High ranking officers stood in front of us, ready to explain to us the choice we had all been waiting to make for years.

"As of this moment, you have three options open to you! Choose wisely!" An officer yelled. I felt nervous, despite being sure of my decision.

"The garrison regiment, whose job is to reinforce the walls. The scout regiment, who ride out into titan country to take back what was once ours. And the MP regiment, maintaining order under his royal majesty."

I exhaled.

"Those cadets eligible for the MP regiment have already been named." The officer continued. "The rest of you take a look! These are the top of your class!"

I stood, somewhat proudly, on the front row of cadets in seventh place.

I wasn't particularly strong, so I lost merits on the physical exercises, but I was a natural with 3-D Maneuver gear, and my endurance was second to none. I worked hard to be where I was. I wished my parents could have seen me on that day.



"We have some new recruits that have recently graduated from the cadets coming in today." Erwin had said to me earlier that morning. "I want you and Hanji to go and greet them"

I was slightly disappointed and almost angered to hear that out of the approximately three-hundred cadets graduating, only twenty had chosen to join the Survey Corps. It was a shame we lived in a world full of cowards, running and hiding from their problems. I couldn't imagine training for three years just to go and live in the interior and do nothing all day.

"Do you think we'll have many promising cadets?" Hanji asked me as we walked.

"Tch" I replied, scowling. "Unlikely"

"You never know" Hanji clasped her hands together in excitement. "We might just find someone mind-blowing!"

"Carry on dreaming, Hanji"

The meagre group of cadets, no, newly initiated scouts, were waiting for us. They were lined up smartly in ranks. You had to be brave to choose the scouts, but many of them looked afraid.

Then again, I didn't blame them. Most of them were from Wall Rose or the interior, most of these recruits had never even seen a titan before.

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