The Campfire

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As most people call it, 2011 was the summer of love. Me and my two best friend, Sarah and Lauryn were all in love. I was deeply in love with my boyfriend of two months, Ashton, Sarah was proudly celebrating 1 year with her boyfriend Michael and Lauryn and Luke were still in the "honeymoon" stage after three weeks.

One night when we were all snuggled up on my couch watching Mean Girls (at Luke's request), Sarah looked away from the big flat screen T.V and said "We should go have a campfire!" I looked away from the screen and said "The movie is almost done, if we want to go then." I say as I look up at Ashton who had is arm protectively around my waist as his head was in the crock of my neck. He nods and says "I'll come!" As he gives you a sneaky kiss, that he hoped no one saw, but they all did, before you turn back to the movie.

A couple minutes later the movie end and I get up to turn off the T.V and DVD player. "So who is coming to the campfire?" I asked to the group. "I'll come, it sounds fun!" Luke says looking at Lauryn who was happily sitting on his lap "Sure!" I walked towards the kitchen to get what we needed for the campfire. When I came back out everyone was putting their shoes on, I walked over and started to do the same.

As soon as we left the house I turned on my flashlight becuase it was so dark. Ashton put his arm around me and I nearly had a heart attack. "Scared of the dark?" Ashton asked laughing, I looked up at hm "Just a little." You let out a pertend laugh but, I immediately felt portected in his arms, feeling his warmth and breathing in his sent. We walked for what felt like forever in the warm summer night. Michael and Sarah were behind us with their hands interwined, throwing rocks at Ashton and I when we would kiss for 'to long." Lauryn and Luke were in front of us, Luke was chasing after Lauryn, he caugfht up to her and picked her up bridal style, they are so cute I thought to myself.

Finally, we got to a open space, that we decided would be a perfect spot to make our campfire.  Ashton and I unpacked the bag that I had carried and got the fire, while the other got comfortable around the fire. The fire started with a rawr, which made Ashton and I jump back, which made the others laugh. I streched out as Ashton layed down, streching his arm out, you lay down close to him with you head on his arm.

I looked over at Michael and Sarah. Michael was hovering over Sarah and kissing her passionatly, she was proped up on her elbow to meet his lips. I picked up a rock and threw it in their direction, hitting Sarah in the arm which made her break the kiss, giving me that ' you are dead' look that only Sarah can give. I laughed as I looked over to Ashton who was already looking at me, proped up on his elbow "Do you know how beautiful you are?" I pecked his lips and said "Yes, yes I do know." He laughed, showing his dimples. Ashton looked over at Lauryn and Luke who were in a very heated make out session.

I looked over and laughed. I took my hands and places them on Ashton's face, turning it to meet mine. He shifted so his hand were at ether side of my head so he was hovering over me. I kissed him passionatly and with more love than ever. I felt  a rock hit me, I smiled into the kiss, but never broke the kiss.

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