The Echoes Cave

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*Jack's P.O.V.*

I woke up early, or so it felt like. I looked up to see Hiccup's bed already empty. "Hic?" I sleepy asked.

"Yes?" a voice close behind me asked. I shocked turned around to see Hiccup, already dressed, leaning against the doorpost. He chuckled softly when I yelped in surprise. "Good morning, mister Sleepyhead. How did you sleep?" he asked amused. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

"Could've been worse", I muttered under my breath. He nodded.

"Yeah, you were having quite a nightmare." I frowned confused.


"You don't remember." He asked it, but it sounded more like he stated it. I shook my head. "You were having a nightmare, you woke me up and I had to calm you down for, like, half an hour", he told. I felt my face heat up with embarassement. I tried to apologize, but he waved it off. "t's okay, I'm glad to hear you slept well for the remaining time. Are you hungry?"

"Not really", I lied. Just then my stomach decided to rumble. He grinned and walked towards me. "Hey, what exactly are you..." He quickly tied me up in the blanket and hung me over his shoulders. I kept yelling at him to let me go, and after three times he hushed me.

"Quit it. You'll wake mom and dad."

"Are you afraid of your own parents?" I teased him.

"You want to see my dad having a morning mood?" he asked simply. I thought of the half giant I met yesterday. If he was any like North...

"No, but thanks for the offer anyways." He chuckled and finally let me get out of the blanket.

"You can go to the kitchen already, I'm bringing this back first", he said, holding up the blanket. I nodded and ran down the stairs. I sat down at the table while I waited for him. He walked in the kitchen and his eyes immediately searched for me. He smiled when he saw me swinging my legs impatiently. "What would you like for breakfast?" he asked, while setting the table.

"Oh, yesterday's breakfast was fine", I replied. He nodded and set down the last plate before starting on breakfast. I frowned slightly. "Er, Hic, how comes you know about yesterday's breakfast while you weren't here?"

"I made it before leaving again", he told me smiling. "My parents aren't the best cooks, you know."

"You didn't made lunch, nor dinner", I replied. He chuckled.

"That was Gobber, the blacksmith, a friend of the family." He turned around, a pan of scrambled eggs and bacon in his hands. He devided it over our plates. "I'll make more if the others come down too." He sat down next to me. "So, what did you want to do today?" he asked when we were finished. I shrugged.

"Shoot me." He frowned. "That's something we say in our group when we totally don't know", I told him quickly. The frown disappeared.

*Hiccup's P.O.V.*

"Okay, then we'll wait for the others. Maybe they can come up with someth..." I cut myself off when a thought crossed my mind. "Actually, I might know something."

"What is it?" Jack asked curious.

"I'm not telling you", I teased him.

"Not fair! At least give me a hint", he complained.

"Okay. It's big, and only I know how to get there", I replied.

"You call that a hint?" he whined.


"You're no fun, Hic", he complained again. I shrugged.

"Quit it or I consider not taking you with us." He was quiet for a while, until Mavis and Johnny came downstairs.

*Jack's P.O.V.*

It was already past noon when we finally went out for the place Hiccup was doing so mysterious about.

"Is it still far? My feet are hurting", Anna complained.

"I told you not to put high heels on", Elsa muttered.

"We're almost there", Hiccup answered. He gestured his head to a place on the cliff. "It's there." I frowned confused. 'Why would he take us all the way here if there was nothing to see except for the lake down the cliff?' "It's not there, we have to go down", he said, like he read my mind.

"But are we getting down from here?" Punzie asked. "It's way higher than my hair's long."

"I'm working on that, give me a few minutes", Hiccup said. He walked to the edge of the cliff. "See you in a minute." With those words he stepped off the cliff. We all yelled after him. Just a second after he landed in the water he rose up again.

"Hiccup, are you okay?!" Mavis yelled.

"I'm fine!" He responded. "Don't be so worried, I've done this millions of times before!"

"How are you coming up?" I asked.

"I'm not coming up, you're coming down. Just give me a sec." He raised his hands above the water. It started to rise up and formed a giant water slide. "C'mon, trust me!" He called beneath us. We all hesistated, looking at each other.

"I'll go first", I offered. The others looked relieved. I carefully touched the water with my staff. It didn't freeze. 'Strange.' I sat down on the slide. For a weird reason my clothes didn't get soaked. I pushed myself off and glided the whole way down. "Woohoo! This is awesome!" I was almost at the end of the slide when I noticed Hiccup standing on the water. It was like something under him pushed the water down. When I fell off the slide I landed on it. It was hard, but soft at the same time. He offered me his hand, which I grateful took. "Thanks", I mumbled. Then, to my friends: "You guys can come down, it's totally safe! And fun also!" I noticed Merida's ginger hair as she was the next to come down. While we watched her I asked Hiccup: "What exactly are we standing on?"

"Basically it's just pressured air", he shrugged. Mer was down now. She stood up and called to above: "Come on, Flynn, Mavis! I dare you!" Since the two weren't afraid of a dare Mavis immediately got on the slide, followed by Flynn and Johnny. Soon anyone stood on the shield of air.

"And now?" Anna asked. She seemed to have forgotten her hurting feet and now glanced at Hiccup with total excitement. He smirked and said: "Now we just have to get in." When everybody looked at him confused his smirk widened. "Just wait, you'll see", he promised. I felt the shield lowering in the water. But for some reason we didn't drown. The shield formed a bubble around us as we moved in the water. We stopped before a stone wall. Hiccup laid his hand on it and the wall started to shift. Soon the entrance of a cave appeared. "Welcome to the Echoes Cave!" Hiccup announced.

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